Dropped College Course For Fall Semester At Community College

<p>I am currently a senior in high school and during the summer I took an English class for the summer semester and got an A. I have recently enrolled in an English 1A class for the fall semester at a community college. I am planning of dropping it because I do not have time for this extra class because I am busy with high school and things. I will be getting a “W” for a withdraw. When I do college applications for CSU, UC, and private colleges, do I have to report that I have been enrolled in this class and got a W or should I not add this class at all into my academic profile for the applications?</p>

<p>I heard that you have to report all classes that you have taken even summer courses at a high school and community college or they will withdraw my college admission if I ever get accepted. My English 1A professor was a counselor at my high school that recently retired. I talked him about it and he believes that I should not add it into my academic profile because they will not know or something like that.</p>

<p>So should I add this course into my academic profile and will the “W” affect my chances of being accepted into a UC or private?</p>

<p>Also, is a “W” better than an “D or F” grade?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>They will know. Shame on your professor for telling you to hide information, I’m glad he is not a counselor anymore as he is giving those few counselors who do know what they are doing a bad name. When (not if, WHEN) the UC finds out you hid information from them (if you choose to pursue this), they will more than likely rescind your admission offer.</p>

<p>You must report ALL courses you have taken. As for which mark is better, that’s up to you. But note that a W will not be factored into your GPA like a D or an F would be.</p>