<p>I've been thinking about this a lot recently, and I'm considering dropping AP Chemistry next term in favor of Journalism. I'm in regular chemistry now (prereq), and the subject matter, while easy, bores me to tears. However, I've been writing for the school newspaper outside of school, just going in at lunch and stuff, and the interviews and other things have caused me to miss a lot of time in my regular chemistry class, which isn't a problem now, but will be if/when I take AP Chem, as I'll need the classtime. However, I'm not cutting back on my commitments with Journalism, and if anything would like to get MORE involved, so I would probably end up falling behind a lot, but I feel like I wouldn't have the motivation to try and catch up due to my disinterest in the subject. My only worry, though, is that dropping AP Chem in favor of an elective (which isn't an easy elective, but an elective nevertheless) will look bad when it comes time to apply to colleges. I've still got a few months to think about it, and I'm only a sophomore, so I could potentially take it later on, but I just don't think I will. What is your opinion on this?</p>
<p>You’re in regular chemistry now and switching to AP chem next semester?</p>
<p>I’m guessing a block schedule which I’m unfamiliar with.</p>
<p>^ yeah, block schedule. Two semesters, 4 classes each. The class ends at the end of the semester, so what I would do to take AP Chem is finish out regular chem this term, and take AP Chem next term (which starts after Christmas break).</p>
<p>yeh chem is hard</p>
<p>Well, yeah, but I mean as far as how colleges would view it. True, they wouldn’t see that I dropped the class, but they’d see that I didn’t take it, and it’s a pretty standard class for the top ~10 or so at my school to take during sophomore year. Not that they would know. GAH I DON’T KNOW I NEED ADVICE.</p>
<p>Which do you like better? Is journalism something you`d like to pursue in college? Or are you going to pursue a more technical/medical major?
Also, LUCKY! I`d love to have semester AP classes; could get so many more in.</p>
<p>^ You want to cram AP Chem in for a semester? Nope. I’m good with my one and a half hour, year long class</p>
<p>Drop it, if you’re not interested in Chemistry then don’t take it.</p>
<p>I agree with Niquii, My AP Chemistry class is yearlong and 90 min, I couldn’t imagine cramming all that material in 1 semester.</p>
<p>@Niquii and Fantasy…not AP Chem, but other APs like APUSH, WHAP, and the non-sciency classes.</p>
<p>^Still, cramming APUSH into a semester would be ridiculous. My friend’s school in New Jersey treats APUSH as a two year course.</p>
<p>@OP Only take the class if you want to or if you want to major in something relevant to Chemistry. Don’t take it just because you feel obligated to.</p>
<p>@OP, yeah, what FollowTheReaper said. Are you interested in Journalism as a career? If so, drop, drop, drop it like it`s hot. If you want to get into a good school for journalism/communications/English, they look very highly upon that type of thing.</p>
<p>At this point, I can’t say for sure what my career will be, but, in this moment, I am HIGHLY considering a career in journalism. And I can say with (almost) absolute certainty that I will not be majoring in a technical science, like chemistry. </p>
<p>You know, when I write it out like that, it seems so simple, haha.</p>
<p>I think I’ll be dropping it. Thanks to everyone… I especially liked the “drop, drop, drop it like it’s hot,” CE527M. haha</p>
<p>If you couldn<code>t tell, that</code>s what I<code>m planning on doing for my career choice, much better than those astroscientist-mathematicists every one else on here wants to be Jk, Jk, guys, I</code>m joking. </p>
<p>I`ve got Journalism 2 2nd semester. </p>
<p>Oh, and yeah, it just came to me</p>