Dropping my art class?

<p>I already have enough credits for art class to graduate (from engineer classes. My school considers some engineer classes as art). I have this one art class now in the last term of my high school career that I signed up for last year. I thought it would be easy, but it turns out to be very challenging for me (even harder than AP science or AP math in my opinion lol). I'm terrible at art, let just be frankly. That's why I've never taken a single art class until now. It gives me way too much stress. Now, I want to drop this art class. Would dropping the art class would somehow make UW to revoke my admission, even with the tinniest chance? (I already enrolled awhile ago) Or is there a 100% guarantee that dropping it wouldn't matter at all? Something to keep in mind: I have 3.86 UW GPA (4.24 weighted). My school requires 54 credits to graduate. I have 67 credits with that art class (66 credits without). I've never taken an open hour throughout high school, and most of my friends have at least 2 to a lot of open hours. Thanks!</p>

<p>Why drop it? Your art class grade is not going to change your acceptance to UW. Its effect on your overall gpa won’t matter. I would continue the class for the knowledge gained, even if you don’t get a high grade. Years later you will know something you otherwise never would. Also- do you really need the study hall time you would replace it with? I hope not. Relax and enjoy getting information out of the class you want. Your stress level will decrease if you don’t feel pressure to get an A (or even a B). A change in attitude may make the class more fun. </p>

<p>I highly doubt I can learn anything from this art class nor is it going to benefit me in anyway in the future. We just do drawing projects the whole time. I’m pretty sure I will never draw anything in my life. I hate drawing and no one can make me draw. The only ones benefit from this class are future artists in that they can gain more drawing experiences out of it. As for me, it is literally the most useless thing. I wouldn’t drop it if it is something other than art. I love learning new things, but again, we don’t learn anything in art except using your hands to draw. Plus I don’t really want to have a C on my transcript. It would look weird and out of place on my transcript since I never have anything even close to a C. Plus art class supposed to be an easy A (true case for everyone except me!). Dropping a class means I would have 2 extra hours of free time everyday to do what I have been wanting to do during high school but never had a chance to due to my extremely busy life throughout high school years. </p>

<p>A C on your transcript is no big deal. HS will be ancient history in a few short months. Having the extra time could be a benefit. What do your parents and teacher think about you dropping the class? I would talk to the teacher about your frustrations. Keep in mind that learning is often subtle- you don’t know what you don’t know, you have absorbed information about art even if you can’t translate the knowledge into good productions. Kudos to you for attempting something outside your comfort zone. Also, you have learned a valuable lesson. Never take a class assuming it will be an easy one/give you an easy A.</p>

<p>Do take other classes outside of your comfort zone in college, even if it means not getting an A. Survey courses in the arts are useful in your cultural knowledge. Consider the Symphony course and one or more of the Art History courses. These are valuable when later attending music productions or viewing art. Be prepared for a lower gpa in college. Getting a good education does not mean getting top grades. It includes expanding your horizons in fields totally unrelated to your major. You may want to indulge in some electives pass/fail later in your college career to get the knowledge/experience without affecting your gpa. Once you are at UW a few semesters you will know when and which courses to consider P/F.</p>

<p>Also- by taking full loads every semester instead of study halls you have prepared yourself for the rigors of college more than if you depended on an easier schedule. You will gain the most from your college experience if you continue to maximize the credits you can comfortably handle. </p>

<p>Relax about this final HS semester. Drop the course if you can and it makes a difference in your stress level. If not, just enjoy it. Do not worry about being perfect. You will do a lot better in college if you do not stress about grades but focus instead on learning as much as you can- the grades will follow. You may find the higher level (numbered) and Honors courses to be no more difficult than the more basic ones- plan your college courses for getting the best ones for your ability and background in any given field. PS- that’s why there are advisors.</p>

<p>This is one of the most meaning post about education i’ve seen in my life! Thank you for the words of wisdom! I decided not to drop the class and try harder to draw. Maybe drawing skill will come in handy one day such as for impress the girls lol. Anyway, when i become success, i’ll remember you!</p>

<p>I think (hope) you meant “meaningful”.</p>