Drug Problem: HELP ME!

<p>recently... okay.. more like... since novemeber, i get these really really bad headaches sometimes that goes from your temple to the back of your neck. the back portion of my head almost touching my neck is the worst place where the headache is just SOOOO bad. i dont really know how to explain these headaches, except ask.. is this normal? do other people with load of school work go through the same thing or is it just me? i think it comes from stress, but whatever, its really hard to study with them, </p>

<p>and i "HAVE" to study. its not even a "i want to study now" its more of a "i HAVE to study regardless" even if i cant. i cant really "coast" or "wing" a test anymore like i used to in the last 3 years. APs dont work that way as well. i still do that for government, but anyways, so i take tylenol for them and they go away. and then i started taking asprin with the tylenol and they go away. and then i had to take asprin+tylenol+advil to make them go away. i think everytime they surface i just pop a pill and hope it goes away. </p>

<p>well recently, iv been trying to stop that.. i feel like im growing dependent on it. but APs are next week, and i cant have physical problems during them. so i stopped for a week, but now, no longer headaches... i get STOMACHE problems... what should i take for that? i am suspecting these stomache problems comes from those asprintylenoladvil, eating away at the lining of my stomache or whatever, but i cant take advil for a stomache pain can i? anybody know what to take? its so bothering me i cant study at all. </p>

<p>i also get this feeling like i want to throw up or something constantly, like everything is stuck in my throat not going down</p>

<p>im also a caffine addict but i quit that a while ago and im scared to go back to coffee drinking to get rid of headaches. does anybody else know any good methods?</p>

<p>i loaded up on redbull for aps, but i know ill crash and i hate the feeling of crashing. one time during homecoming period..</p>

<p>i studied until 3am on a friday nite, then saturday i volunteered during the day from 8 to 2, then went to homecoming and came home at 4:00am and watched tv with my friend until 5, then got up at 7am sunday to volunteer all the way until 5 in the afternoon, then did homework until 9 and died. it was the WORST feeling in the world but the BEST feeling in the world when u hit a pillow. </p>

<p>please... i NEED a miracle drink or something. i wish i was an electronic and i can just charge the battery</p>

<p>Your situation sounds pretty serious. Have you gone to a doctor for the stomache problems? He/She could probably give you something for your stomache. Don't load on Red Bull, its really not good for you. Although it does get you through the day, your brain is, like, haywire.</p>

<p>You should really see a doctor about this. That's not normal, and it doesn't sound like you're helping yourself any.</p>

<p>My sports doctor told me to stop taking so much ibuprofen for running, that it was horrible for my stomach and liver, and just sit out for a few weeks to see if my legs heal.</p>

<p>isn't taking all those things at once exceeding the recommended dose or w/e? that's REALLY bad, you definatly need to see a doctor and try to do it before your AP tests</p>

<p>Just FYI, the recommended dose on OTC medications is crap. Ibuprofen says the maximum you should take in 24 hours is 6, in reality you can take about 12 problem free (you know this if you run long distances).</p>

<p>dont take tylenol. it messes up your liver badly and of the OTC pain meds its the worst. use advil or aleve...it doesnt really matter which one but always eat something before taking it. ive had 2 doctors tell me the dosing instructions on advil and aleve arent entirely accurate. aleve wears off sooner than what they say and advil overestimates the strength for the dosing instructions</p>

<p>oh, and you may want to see a neurologist about those headaches</p>

<p>I think you should visit a psychologist while you're at it. You don't seem to be the most mentally-healthy or stress-free person.</p>

<p>Different OTC pain medications work better for different people. Acetaminophen (tylenol) isn't an anti-inflammatory, so it's bad for injuries, generally better for fever etc, maybe for headaches (like you have).
Ibuprofen is a good, basic, anti-inflammatory (don't buy Advil, it's more expensive, just get generic ibuprofen)
Naproxen Sodium (aleve) is basically a more powerful, longer lasting ibuprofen, but for some people it doesn't work that well.</p>

<p>All of them will mess up your liver or stomach if taken too much, so if you need to rely on tons of them it's time to see a doctor (like the OP).</p>

<p>Take it from a guy who's run for a month on a broken leg without knowing it, had shin splits, bursitis and sciatica. I hate my legs.</p>

<p>wow thanks for the advice. i feel like im in a vicious cycle, not knowing how to break free. i mean... i can stop taking them, but then i get headaches.. or i can take them but then get stomachaches. i was thinking of taking peptobismo or tums or something to get rid of stomache problems, just anything to make me feel normal... its so hard to feel normal</p>

<p>tylenol doesnt work too well for migraines</p>

<p>use advil/aleve or their generic forms but remember to always eat beforehand.</p>

<p>ive had severe migraines for most of my life... you seem to have described something fairly similar. go see a neurologist about your headaches(preferably one with some background in the area)</p>

<p>Make sure you're getting enough sleep, and drinking enough water during the day.</p>

<p>I agree with smartie10 get more sleep and make sure you're drinking enough water. See your Dr. as soon as possible for "migranes" and to rule out any serious conditions. Talk to your parents and see if in the mean time you could try Pepcid or Zantac or any other over the counter acid reducers. My D has had on occasion stress related stomach problems. When you are stressed out your stomach can churn out more acid than your body can handle producing some of the symptoms you described. Your physical problems should let up after exams.</p>

<p>OK, here's what I'd do.</p>

<p>1) stop taking pain killers cold turkey.
2) no more caffeine. at all. no coke, coffee, tea, chocolate, and absolutely no red bull or energy drinks.
3) skip 2-3 days of school. these missed review days may actually save you from not being able to take the exams at all.
4) while at home, study CALMLY for your exams.
5) treat your stomach problems with non pain killers. You can take Pepto-Bismol, Tums, Zantac, whatever...and drink lots of fluids, ginger ale and crackers...
6) book an appointment with a doctor for stomach pain as soon as you can and explain the whole situation to him. you can request that your parents stay in the lobby if you want. (a good excuse for them will be that they will need to look at your lower stomach area and you would prefer that they're not in the room for that.)
7) Just chill out. You'll be fine. Stay at home, relax, study. AP exams aren't all that important anyway.</p>

<p>You don't need pain killers or caffeine. You just need to chill out and take it easy.</p>

<p>Your headaches may be due to withdrawal form caffeine. I read that post operation headaches apparently are caused by that : People who are used to having lots of caffeine have to fast before surgery and their headaches afterward are due to caffeine withdrawal, not a problem with the anesthesia.</p>

<p>I suggest that you try some stress reduction methods. You either could have a few sessions with a behaviorally-oriented psychologist who could teach you relaxation methods and things like self hypnosis or you could take up something like meditation, yoga or tai chi, all of which can help prevent tension-related problems like headaches and stomachaches.</p>

<p>Also see your doctor just in case the headaches and stomach aches are due to something else going on.</p>

<p>Please follow the recommended doseages for medicines, including over the counter remedies. Do not rely on strangers from message boards. Your health is too important to risk it by not following directions.</p>

<p>Ulcers are also a possibility, you are young, but if you aren't taking great care of yourself, taking medication and stressed, its possible.</p>

<p>What you need to know is that most likely what is going on can easily be taken care of once you see a doctor. Its probably a combination of minor problems that put together feel much worse.</p>

<p>See the doctor right away. It will help you learn what is going on and how to treat it. The caffiene withdrawal is actually pretty tough for some people. As well, your stress from "not knowing" can make the symptoms worse. Don't be afraid to see a doctor. What you are going through most likely can be dealt with simply and easily.</p>

<p>Doctor doctor doctor.</p>

<p>After all of that, I think you are my soulmate. lol.....Other than the drugs, we operate really similarly esp. "it was the WORST feeling in the world but the BEST feeling in the world when u hit a pillow. "</p>

<p>hey kandy!
I had the same problems while studying for finals last year. This is how mine ended up like:</p>

<p>mild headache => regular pills => headache => sleep => tiredness => coffee/red bulls => pimples => water => headaches => the feeling of vomit in your throat thing => vomitting everywhere => stomache ache => pills => YOGHURT => and a bit of caffeine to keep me focused!</p>

<p>I dunno if it'll work for you but yoghurt actually reduced the amount of stomach aches i had. I also had to get presciption pills for my headaches because the headaches were so bad - my face went bright red, i couldnt think, I couldn't focus, I couldn't really see anthing cos heaps of things went hazy..</p>

<p>You really have to get your stomach achs sorted before your exams!! It sucks when you have a big stomach ache in the middle of the exam! <em>shudders</em></p>

<p>I know how the pillow thing feels too! I fall asleep RIGHT after my head touches the pillow. I don't have energy to pull the blanket over me so I blank out on the bed. Then I get a runny nose in the morning..</p>

<p>wow NoFX... all the sacrafices we make for school... i really hope one day it pays off. its so hard to think about "what causes these pain" when the only thing you can think about is "how to relieve these pain". </p>

<p>when i tell my mom about these problems, she gives me a yoga book! great help. i know its suppose to "reduce stress" but not on the day of the test when you dont even know how to do them</p>

<p>lol @ the yoga book...</p>

<p>seriously, i think you should just take a few days off and stay home and study.</p>

<p>Treat your stomachaches, and stop pain killers and caffeine cold turkey.</p>

<p>i keep running around in a circle now that i stopped taking pills for 19 hours... ap lit and ap french tomorrow... then bc calc on tuesday... 3 down and 7 more to go *sighs... maybe a miracle will happen</p>