Drug Use at Yale

<p>"In a poll sent last week to 600 undergraduates, 35 percent of the 300 respondents said they have used drugs while at Yale. That puts the Yale student body’s drug use almost exactly on par with the average at other schools: 36.6 percent of undergraduates nationwide said in 2005 that they had used an illicit drug at least once in the previous year, according to a study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University."</p>

<p>Yale</a> Daily News - A survey of drug use on campus</p>

<p>I bet Yale’s admission office is not very pleased with this article.</p>

<p>Pleased? Not pleased? What’s the difference? Are families and students worried that Yale is some drug den? C’mon.</p>

<p>A lot of people do drugs at the elite colleges. It’s as prevalent as alcohol consumption. It’s not a big deal.</p>



<p>Um…I wouldn’t go that far.</p>

<p>well i think now they are going to cut out people who have been suspended for drug use</p>

<p>If it’s true that only 35% of Yale students have used drugs at Yale, that’s a substantial reduction in drug use compared to the mid-late '70s when I attended.</p>

<p>I don’t know what the exact figures were for Yale, but we did a survey of everyone in my law school class in 1980 (about 1/3 of which came from HYPS), and there was exactly one person out of 175 who had never used illegal drugs.</p>

<p>Yeah, I don’t think that’s a lot considering the age of most college students. Even if it’s an elite, they’re still just young adults fresh out of high school.</p>

<p>Most of it is probably marijuana, which isn’t even a “bad drug”. No big deal and I really don’t see the point in posting this…</p>

<p>Yeah if 30% of Yale is dropping acid and snorting coke, let us know. While I find marijuana use to be incredibly annoying, it’s not necessarily a bad reflection on the campus.</p>

<p>Ah Yale! Alcohol? Drugs? Cheating? Plagiarizing? </p>

<p>What happened??</p>

<p>I say blame athletes/frat boys.</p>

<p>God, I’m kidding!</p>

<p>Hey, this is my first post on here. I was directed to this place by guests on Timothy Dwight’s blog (TimothyDwight.blogspot.com) so I thought I’d stop by and share my Yale experience.</p>

<p>So like I mentioned above, I’m a freshman in Timothy Dwight college, and while I’m only a freshman, I’ve gotten a pretty good feel for this place. And something I’ve noticed, as well as something that’s a pretty common misconception, is that Yale students are, in fact, college students.</p>

<p>Seriously. </p>

<p>We’re just college students that got good grades in high school. That’s it. Our jocks are still jocks. Our fratboys are still fratboys. And our undergraduates take part in sometimes illegal activities. The fact that our drug use is on par with the national average shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. It doesn’t reflect poorly on the school. It doesn’t reflect poorly on the students. It just is. </p>

<p>It mostly is just weed, from what I’ve experienced. Though I’ve never touched the stuff personally, and don’t plan to, a good number of my friends here do, and I don’t judge them for it. Yale isn’t some magical place where no one ever gets in trouble, everyone studies all the time, and no one is ever an *******. People here smoke weed. They drink. They have sex. It’s just part of being in college, and no matter where you go you’ll never avoid it. Yale’s a university. And while it’s an amazing, amazing university, don’t prop it up to be more than it is.</p>

<p>So that’s my two cents. I’ll probably be posting on here some more. If you want you can message me on here or facebook me if you ever want to discuss life at Yale or anything like that. I’ll be adopting four pre-frosh this year, so who knows, four of you might be staying with me come spring.</p>

<p>Good luck with your admissions.</p>