Dual degree at Carlson and IT or CLA?

<p>I was wondering how much longer it takes to do a dual degree at the U. I plan on majoring in Finance already, but i want to broaden my field by majoring in Economics or Statistics also. How much longer/difficult is this? Which one (econ/stat) would be better in general?</p>

<p>I am a finance major at Carlson, and also planned initially to double major in econ (I am no longer planning to do so). It’s actually quite a task to do both, since those two degrees have almost none of the same required courses in common. While you need to take calculus, macro econ and micro econ as tool courses for Carlson, these are really the only classes the two majors have in common. As far as statistics, I’m not as familiar with the requirements for that degree; but because it’s not a Carlson major I would bet it’s a similar story.</p>

<p>The thing to keep in mind about Carlson is this: all the business courses you will have to take that aren’t included in your finance major (marketing, management, idsc, ect.) are the same for every carlson degree. So it’s actually easier and quicker a lot of the time to double up on two Carlson majors (alot of people do finance and accounting) than it is to take a major from Carlson and even a minor from another college on campus. For example, I am a finance major but my minor is through CLA. Had I wanted to, I could have double majored in Finance and something like HR, IDSC, or OMS in the same amount of time/credits as it will take me to get my Carlson major with my CLA minor. </p>

<p>More than likely, you’ll be there for at least an extra year (that’s a rough guess) if you want another major through CLA. It comes down to how much extra time you’re willing to invest before graduation, and how much you really want/need that extra major.</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

APs r really important if u wanna dual degree~~
I got in IT and want another degree in Carlson. Based on the Undergrad Catalog I will need around 60 cr more to graduate with two degrees. And if you use the AP score to waive the introductory courses(I only need a Biology to complete my first yr in IT) and get some cr from community college in the summer you will be able to make it in four years~~
:Din fact that’s my plan to get dual degree from IT and Carlson…</p>