<p>Hello everyone.
I am admitted to the Institute of Technology.
Can any one tell me how can I get another degree from the Carlson School? On the School Website there's only information for minor in Carlson.
My friend told me that I have to apply for transfer to Carlson. But the transfer acceptance rate of Carlson is around 3%. And if I apply for transfer, how can I get my degree from Institute of Technology?
<p>I asked the exact question, but with a CSOM major and then maybe Statistics from IT. But if you’re getting a degree in engineering it would make more sense to just get a minor it whatever you want and then get an MBA after you get your undergraduate</p>
<p>Don’t quote me on this, but I remember someone telling me there’s a form you can fill out. I’m not sure if that applies only to CLA (since the person who’s told me this is in CLA) but I remember when I was stalking CBS’s site, there was something like that as well. I’d recommend calling your admissions person and asking them about if it’s possible. If it is, and you decide to enroll, I’m sure you can work out the finer points with your adviser in IT.</p>