Dual degree UG+MBA program in north east

Could some one please suggest/list universities that offer Dual degree Under grad +MBA program in north east.
Thinking of Business/Finance/accounting majors

Generally a poor idea in any case. Why would you want that?


I am asking about the 5 year programs

found this, may help.

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Bad idea. Get your BA and then get 2-5 years of high quality work experience. If you want an MBA after that, then apply. You only get one shot at an MBA. Make it count. Wait until you can get a great one and level up your career. You will only get BA-level jobs from a combined program.


An MBA right after undergrad is generally useless and so a poor idea. A specialized masters right after undergrad may have some merit.


OP- it’s like someone telling you how to ride a bike without you ever getting on an actual contraption with wheels and brakes. You’ll know all the theory (where are the handlebars, how to raise the seat if you have long legs, etc.) but even after intensive lessons- you STILL need to get on an actual bike, fall off a few times, before you get the hang of it.

That’s what getting an MBA right after a BA is like. You’ll be heavy on theory, you’ll be expecting a larger salary than someone right out of undergrad, but you still won’t have ever ridden the bike.

Get a job. Decide what kind of program you want for an MBA based on what you are observing in the real world. MBA will still be there after a few years!!!


Better to investigate 5 year dual degree options that result in a BA/BS plus a one year specialty masters degree such as a masters in taxation, management, or in accountancy. Also, this course of action would allow you to select from hundreds of colleges & universities where & which masters program you pursue.

MBA programs are best for those with more than 2 years of post undergraduate degree work experience.


Analytics is big today. There are currently many one yr Masters courses for analytics that can be added to an UG degree (in almost any field). Some will be held at the same institution as your UG program but that’s not a requirement (may be easier to gain admission but don’t worry about that). A Master in a Quant Finance could make sense too. Accounting MSA program.

As others have said, an MBA without solid work experience is useless. The better programs wouldn’t even allow it via the admissions process as they build a class bringing in lots of diverse professional experience. Maybe as little as 2 yrs but most people in top programs are closer to 5. Need that amount of time to develop professional skills, have impactful assignments, stand out.


Data Analytics?


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