Dual-Enrollment Reporting for UC's

I am currently a senior in HS applying for the UC’s and taking a math Dual-Enrollment course at my local CC . I am not performing well and I am petitioning to receive a W for the course. The class is not needed for A-G requirements. It will also not be on my high school transcript. I only took it with the hopes of furthering my math skills. Sources such as the FAQ on the UC website indicate that you only need to submit a CC transcript if the course is for A-G requirements, for credit, or being reported on your HS transcript. My concern with this also comes from the situation of reporting all CC courses taken on your UC application. So my questions are:

  • Do I need to report the course on the application?
  • Do I have to submit the CC transcript?
  • If I do report it now, can I report it later to the UC’s with an explanation?
  • How great are my chances of being rescinded if I receive an F, D, or W in the course and I submit everything? (If the course was not not required for anything)

I would greatly appreciate your feedback and insight.

Even if the course is not needed for your a-g course requirements to apply to a UC, if it is an a-g course (as listed in the UCOP course list), then you need to report the W and send a copy of the CC transcript. UC’s do not care about the W, but they do care that you submit and accurate academic record.

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Okay thank you. I currently do not have a passing grade and I am requesting to receive a W for the course. I will not know the results of whether I will receive a W or just keep the failing grade until after the UC application is due. Should I just explain my situation of not performing well and my reasoning for taking the class without including my specific letter grade in the additional comments section? I do not want to say that I will fail if the transcript shows a W, or vice-versa.

I would not take a failing grade. I would try to get a W for the course since any grade you receive for this course will be on your permanent college transcript which would be required if you decide to attend Graduate or Professional school.

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I figured. Hopefully my CC accepts my petition and grants me a W for the course. I was advised to not leave any comments on my application since I do not know the outcome of the course yet and that I should just contact each UC separately once I know the outcome. Would you agree with this?

Yes, I would not make any comments until you find out if you can get the withdrawal and then update.

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Okay, I will wait until I get the news. I appreciate it Gumbymom. You have been a huge help.

Best of luck.

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