Due Dates

So I recently got accepted as a transfer to SDSU as an Accounting major. Yay! But after celebrating, reality hit me with how much this is all going to cost.

My parents and I are scrounging up every amount of money we have just so I can go to college because I don’t qualify for financial aid. But I’ve been trying to research on when due dates will be for tuition fees, registration fees, etc. I only see that the intent to enroll is due in May.

Does anyone know when or just an estimate of when all these payments will be due? My parents and I need a plan of how much we should save and when we should have all the money ready by.

probably before classes start.

You need to pay a enrollment fee upon SIRing. This is put towards your tution. You need to have your Fall semester tuition paid before your orientation date or you will not be able to register for classes. They offer payment plans and I am sure more information will be forth coming.

@bestc0 scholarships, i applied for a few today. some of them are $8400 with a due date 4/3