<p>What Are Good Pre-med Biology Courses To Take In Preparation For The Mcats?</p>
<p>Prep for the MCAT? Bio 25. You don't really <em>need</em> anything else. I guess Bio 118 is supposedly helpful (so say the advisers) but if you are BME is isn't so great because it doesn't have a lab. Personally I took BIO 151, animal physiology. I found it to be extremely interesting and really relevant to my interest in medicine. Another popular one for BME premeds though is Microbiology (103 I think).</p>
<p>Second what SirGecko said. Most of the stuff on MCAT is very self-learnable, especially if you've taken AP Bio. You could take bio 25 again as a refresher course, bio 26 as a continuation of 25, or bio 118 for some indepth genetic stuff</p>