Duke Class of 2027 Official Thread

the decision letter says 50k applicants for 1720 spots (3.44% rate)

Account for yield

My letter doesnt say that. Gives no stats

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Son got in! Congrats to everyone who did get in!!


were u accepted?

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Ok interesting

For those accepted, can you guys see the stats such as size of the applicant pool and the space available in your decision letter?

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Few days back!

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However, they do not expect a 100% yield. So they normally would send out more acceptances than there are spots, increasing the acceptance rate. If they expect a 50% yield, they will send out 2x1720=3440 acceptances, doubling the acceptance rate.

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But didnā€™t half the class already commit in December???


D23 accepted. And they threw in a huge grant as well. Super excited.

Accepted: Duke, Cornell, UC Berkeley, UCLA, GA Tech, UNC Chapel Hill, UGA

Waitlisted: Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, UPenn, Dartmouth, Vanderbilt, Stanford

Rejected: USC, Georgetown, Brown, Yale(Deferred REA and rejected RD)

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Accepted! 1550+ SAT, 15+ APs, 3.9+ GPA, some humanities/research/olympiad ECs. I think it just came down to fit - I felt that I fit Duke really well when researching, and tried my best to incorporate a lot of specific points/programs in my essays. I really love this school but canā€™t justify it over Yale, so Iā€™ll most likely be turning it down, but Iā€™m eternally grateful. Go Blue Devils!

Accepted: UTD, TAMU, Purdue CS, Northeastern, UF, UT Austin CS, UMich CS, UCSD CS, UCLA CS, Yale, Duke
Waitlisted: UIUC, Georgia Tech, Cornell, Northwestern, CMU, Vanderbilt
Rejected: MIT, Caltech (REA defer), Princeton, UCB, Stanford


No stats mentioned in the letter. They usually have a blog out, but have not seen it

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My son was accepted!! :partying_face: Tough decisions to make but definitely is a dream school for him




duke class of 2027!!! go blue devils, i canā€™t wait for the next four :))

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D accepted after being deferred ED. Same amazing stats as all the rest of you, but Iā€™m an alumni and I do think that played a factor in pushing her over the top. This has been an incredibly humbling process, and while I know this has been said a zillion times on these threadsā€¦ you can not let yourself be defined by where you do or donā€™t get in. The process is arbitrary and maddening and hardly ever ā€œfairā€, if that even exists. I was fully prepared for a rejection, and while I am incredibly grateful sheā€™s been accepted, Iā€™m very aware that thousands of others deserved this just as much. Weā€™ve been on the wrong side of acceptances at many, many other schools. Best of luck to everyone.


Well said- Son got in after being deferred ED. No legacy and so proud of him after getting some huge rejections in the last few days.


Everyone that got accepted - Congratulations!!
Can you please share your stats?

@TriplePiano - Could you share what Duke specific things that you wrote in your application and how did you go about researching that?

I am a sophomore and will be applying to Duke next year