Duke RD Roster

<p>this list is not an accurate representation of the overall applicant pool.. if it was... it would be just as hard to get into duke as harvard.</p>

<p>Have you notice, Duke is ranked number 5 on the U.S. New rankings of universities?</p>

<p>i did notice, but the average applicant doesnt have 1500+ on the SAT.... it IS easier to get into duke than harvard</p>

<p>Was that sarcasm, Sammie?
How lovely.</p>

<p>Admissions at any highly selective school is crap shot. The degree of difficulty at any of the top 15 schools are about the same. So yes BS, it is as hard as Harvard, Princetion, Yale.</p>

<p>Thanks for noticing r!</p>

<p>the average applicant to harvard doesn't have 1500 either.
that said, of course harvard (along with yale, princeton, stanford, mit, a couple others) is harder to get into than duke. I'm sorry if you don't like that, but it's true.
duke is getting harder though.</p>

<p>i want to add that just because harvard is harder to get into than duke does NOT mean that the applicant pool isn't as qualified (for all intensive purposes); the difference in admissions rates is due to the fact that duke has to accept more people because its yield is lower</p>

<p>add me!
1530/800/790/790 2/490, Trinity</p>

<p>No problem. Observing is what I do.</p>

<p>I'm not denying the fact that Duke admissions is highly competitive. Obtaining an acceptance letter is not the easiest of feats. </p>


<p>Comparing it to HYP admissions is most definitely an exaggeration. HYP are the cream of the Ivy crop, while the doors such as CalTech, MIT, Stanford, etc. are generally regarded as being the most difficult Universities to get your foot past.</p>

<p>I'm not undermining Duke's prestige or cutthroat competition, and I do agree that top 15 Universities may very well be "crapshoots." I've heard of Harvard aceptees that were rejected by the big D. But, as you move up the top 15 list, a decrease in acceptance rates is pretty obvious. This doesn't mean the applicants are any less qualified than those who apply to HYP, but it does explain the higher admit rate.</p>

<p>i heard the average SAT for princeton applicants last year was around 1430?</p>

<p>somebody correct me if i am wrong.</p>

<p>Wow, look at those ppl...all 1500s..since I have only 1320...maybe I shouldn't apply..was going to apply Pratt/Civil Engineering...AHHHH</p>

<p>Duke certainly is not as hard to get into as HYPS. Most of the people on the roster so far will get in. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised by a rejection letter, but I know that my chances are several times better at Duke than at HYPS RD.</p>

<p>Don't just decide not to apply based on a test score... really. Sure, Duke has very competitive admissions, but this is just one small representation of yourself. My friend had a score in the 1300s and got into both Duke and Cornell. He beat out a lot of 1400+ applicants at my school. In fact he was the only one from my school that got in last year. Remember the saying... "college admissions is like getting struck by lightning."</p>

<p>1540/800/780/760 1/101, Trinity</p>

<p>are these top three SAT II's or math, writing, choice? (writing was a 710.. eep!)</p>

<p>Writing is required.</p>

<p>1350/760/730/670 (Top 10%, No rank), Top NJ Public, Pratt</p>

<p>slipstream99 - 1570/800/790/760, 1/465, Trinity
TenBelow - 1500/800/760/730, top 2%, Trinity
flipchick1127 - 1490/750/720/680, 3/364, Trinity
College<em>hopeful - 1480/770/740/730, top 5%, Trinity
streetlight - 1560/800/770/760, 18/540, Pratt
warblersrule86 - 1540/790/750/740, 2/503, Trinity
jb13 - 1530/790/780/750, top .5%, Trinity
neobez - 1460/800/680/640, 3/364, Trinity
skier13</em> - 1520/770/750/710, Top 10%, Trinity
hello - 1410/800/800/650, 1/39, Pratt
just<em>forget</em>me - 1600/800/800/800, 1/216, Trinity
run4fun - 1520/800/800/760, 1/60, Trinity
leejwwc - 1440/800/770/750, 5/439, Trinity
opspeed - 1450/780/710/680, 9/494, Pratt
mahajan2005 - 1600/800/800/800, 3/500, Trinity
cavalier302 - 1460/780/700/690, 1/400, Trinity
SAMMIE - 1450/710/710/660, 115/804, Trinity
takeheart - 1520/740/740/640, 5/121, Trinity
stanmaster22 - 1420(conversion)/700/660/630
zephyr151 - 1530/800/790/790, 2/490, Trinity
marymary - 1540/800/780/710, 1/101, Trinity
kitman15 - 1350/760/730/670, Top 10%, Pratt</p>

<p>SAT I: 1497 (dipped below the psychological barrier of 1500 at last)
SAT IIs: 748 (up 2 from last update)
Class rank (as requested): 2.12% (6 ranked number 1)
18 Trinity, 4 Pratt</p>

<p>remember the format:
name - sat i/sat ii/sat ii/sat ii (one of which must be writing), rank, trinity or pratt</p>

<p>marymary, I substituted your 760 for your 710 writing, since it is required. I should have specified that from the get go.</p>

<p>separate it into 2 lists, like the ED list, trinity and pratt, its easier to see everythign then</p>

<p>wow - i don't have to do this, you know. you could at least ask nicely</p>