Duke vs NC State for Statistics

Ok, so I need some advice on where to go:

I have two options right now. I got a full ride from NC State, and I literally just had my interview for a full ride at Duke and I think it went really well. Decisions for the scholarship for Duke come out this Friday, so I want to think ahead and be able to decide on Friday.

If I don’t get it, then I don’t really have an issue and I’ll just go to NC State. But if I do get it, I need some help deciding.

Some background info: I want to major in Statistics, and I’m an Egyptian hijabi girl (idk if that matters).

NC State Pros:

  • The scholarship program offers great support and opportunities (especially compared to the Duke schoalrship)
  • The cohort for the scholarship program is pretty strong throughout all four years
  • They cover a little more than the Duke scholarship (like books and a laptop)
  • Statistics at NC State is really good

NC State Cons:

  • NC State isn’t the best university
  • Professors aren’t the best
  • Pretty close to home (pro and con?)

Duke Pros:

  • A full ride to an T10 school is a pretty amazing opportunity
  • Statistics at Duke is really good
  • Duke has really good opportunities
  • School spirit is fun
  • Professors are amazing

Duke Cons:

  • The scholarship support isn’t really there. They focus more on you being a Duke student than a scholar
  • No real scholarship “program”. There’s one thing in the summer, but its really just the money and not really a cohort
  • An extremely academic rigorous environment

I think my main decision is if I want to attend NC State as a scholar or Duke as a student…
But those are the pros and cons I could think of for both schools and scholarships, and I would really appreciate it if y’all would help me decide and just hearing your opinions. Thank you!

You have to decide.

NC State is a great school. Disagree with the isn’t the best university comment. Well assuming only one can be, likely neither is Duke although that’s really all opinion.

Different campuses.

The Duke name is much stronger. I’m sure you will find support at both schools. The opportunity will be at Duke if you grab it. It doesn’t need to be a part of a scholarship to exist.

To me the bigger question would be NC State full ride vs Duke pay something. But you’ve already decided.

Obviously Duke.

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If you do end up having a choice, I don’t think you can go wrong. (It seems like you won’t/can’t choose Duke unless the full ride comes thru?)

It does seem like you prefer Duke in some ways, but not sure those perceptions are based in fact. I do have a few comments about your pros/cons:

  • “NC State isn’t the best university”. Not sure what this really means, what parameters you are weighing? Similarly, Duke isn’t the best university either on many measures. The relevant question is what is the best university for you?

  • “Professors aren’t the best”. What is your source for this statement? All in all, NC State professors are top notch.

  • I would rate NC State school spirit as pretty high too.

Have you looked at the gen eds of each school? Stats major requirements? Background of stats profs and their research focus? Stats course offerings, their depth and breadth, how often the various choices are offered, etc?

Good luck for the Duke scholarship decision, keep us updated.


I was trying to be nice to both :). But yea

If someone asks for advice, we need to give unvarnished advice. Duke is a private school with a large endowment, and can give unparalleled attention to the student, at least in comparison with a public school. We have experience with both a public and a private. There is no comparison. Especially if both are free, there is nothing to think about further.

Pick the school where you honestly can see yourself for four years of undergrad. Both colleges can get you to your end career goal.

:crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:For you for tomorrow…even though that will make your decision a little harder.

Understood - why I said this…

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Duke is a much smaller school than NC State. You may not need to work as hard there to have a cohort or to get supports. Some of the NC State pros you associate with being a scholar there will be part of the general student experience at Duke.

Also, you will have more ethnic and geographic diversity at Duke. Duke is about 35% white; NC State is 70% white. At Duke, you will have classmates from all over the world. Over 80% of NC State students are from North Carolina. The more diverse student body impacts everything, including the richness of your own learning experiences.


If the scholarship comes through I’d go with Duke. It’s smaller, has outstanding academics, name recognition etc. Of course, if the free ride doesn’t come through at Duke, NC State is a great choice.


Very different vibes at the 2 schools. We visited both & my daughter loved Duke. Thought NC State was too big. So I think it comes down to what you are looking for & where you are most comfortable. Based on the scholarships you have been offered, I imagine you will do well at either so really just comes down to the type of environment you prefer. Good luck!

@meanymina seems like you have two very good options! However, my advise to you is to not disparage a program without having done proper research. Just so that you know, Duke is ranked 7th by USN and both NCSU and UNC at 11, only because of ties at the seventh position.
In other words, both programs are very strong. The question to answer is which university is a better fit and what do you plan to do after you graduate? Since you mentioned Hijabi Muslim, I am assuming you are religious, in which case note that the area around Hillsborough St (NCSU) has a very strong Muslim community. What kind of support will you get at Duke? There is no question that Duke is a stronger brand but it will boil down to what you want to get out of your college education.

Maybe this is because most students at Duke are “scholars” which will not be the case at NC State.

Does the NC State Scholarship provide more opportunities vs a regular NC State student or more vs a Duke student? At a school like Duke you don’t need to be in an “honors college class” to be surrounded by equally academically inclined students.

yeah im sorry i definitely phrased that wrong. what i mean is in comparison to duke. nc state is a great school and i think that the professors are great as well, but in comparison to duke (and especially just looking at the ranks)

EDIT: idk how to edit but i want to clarify the nc state cons. i don’t mean the school isn’t good. its great! i just meant in comparison to duke, and especially looking at rankings. that’s all i meant

IF you get the full ride at Duke I’d go that route as long as you feel like the school is a comfortable fit. If it doesn’t happen you have a fantastic alternative with NC State. Congrats on your success however things turn out.

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