Dunn & Aston, & Honors dorms.

<p>Does anyone know any differences between Dunn & Aston in the Commons, people-wise or anything like that? Or are there none?
Also, when it comes to Modular dorms: are there dorms that if they're Honors, does that mean only Honors students are in it, or that Honors students are in it but so are non-Honors? (if that makes sense)
Thanks! :)</p>

<p>I live in Dunn and I can’t say much about the difference of people but when living in the Commons you’ll probably see more people in the actual commons area than your dorm so you’ll end up meeting people from all four of the dorms. Only honors students can live in the Honors dorms from as far as I can tell. They like to wear their shirts that say “Lechner” or “McFadden” on it too.</p>

<p>Howdy rocketship2mars!</p>

<p>The Honors freshman residence halls, McFadden|Lechner, are only available to students accepted into the university Honors program as freshmen. Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Jon Kotinek
Associate Director
Honors and Undergraduate Research</p>