Dwight Look Questions FRESHMAN PLEASE

<p>As a high school student I could be admitted because of the top 10% rule. I meet the Dwight look College minimum Sat score for math, but I have a couple of questions.
- Once admitted to the university, since I meet all the requirments, Am I guaranteed admission to Dwight look?
- How does freshman year engineering work, like can I declare my major(electrical engineering) as a freshman?
-Is electrical engineering competitive to get into at TAMU?
My Sat Math was above 550 and that is a requirment, I qualify for top 10% rule. </p>

<p>Please I am very confused, will I get into Dwight Look automatically or will I have to apply to Dwight Look College of Engineering after I am admitted to TAMU on the 10% rule?
Thank You
Please respond ASAP</p>

<p>Provided you attend a TX high school, you qualify for automatic admission. TAMU has rolling admissions, so provided there is space available ( you need to apply early - application opens Aug 1) you will also get general engineering. Then you will be taking courses and competing for the electrical engineering major. This is new, so there is no data as to who historically is admitted to electrical engineering. I’ll leave the other current details to someone who is more in the know…</p>

<p>Some background: you use to be admitted directly into specific majors (eg. electrical engineering) NO longer true. Not all engineering slots were gone before the close of applications. The fill to 85% capacity with rolling admits then compete for remaining slots for college of engineering didn’t use to exist either. </p>

<p>I can see why you’d be confused, the college of engineering ( & TAMU) has changed a few things very recently and the popularity of the school has soared creating a more competitive atmosphere. Make sure information you get is up to date.</p>