<p>I was wondering how to go about e-mailing professors so that they will add you to a class. </p>
<p>Like, what would you say in the e-mail/how would you express interest/plead (?)/ explain why, etc. </p>
<p>If anyone has a clue or remember a successful e-mail they've sent before, that ould be splendid. Thanks.</p>
<p>You know you can't just ask to be in the class and get automatically added. You have to ask them first if it is possible to be added. If they let you, then they sign a course action form and you submit it to the department.</p>
<p>For your email, just be polite and express interest in the class. Also, give a good reason to be added like that you need this for your major or you need this to reach the minimum for credits.</p>
<p>why don't all the classes have waitlists? do some professors just not want a waitlist? i dont get it. ie no math classes seem to have waitlists.</p>
<p>cause waitlists suck. you're much better off showing up day 1 with a course action sheet than trying to get off a waitlist.</p>