<p>Who's ready, who's ready? I'm ready! I'm ready! (Spongebob, anyone?) :D So, I realize that this is a bit (okay almost half a year) early, but after visiting and obsessing, I just can't wait to get started applying. </p>
<p>Let's start a list of who's applying early:
1. classof09</p>
<p>Don't calm down! It's exciting and I was way more than ready to apply by this time. I was the kid that freaked out when myMIT went down for a couple of hours so they could add the application, stalked my computer until it appeared, and had submitted part one of my app about an hour after it appeared.</p>
<p>Blah. I like Yale, but nobody from my school has gotten in for the past 7 years or so and I actually have a shot at another EA school that I'll be applying to. That and the fact that MIT is amazing and is basically larger sized version of camp. :D</p>
<p>I'm just scared because I'm one of those well-rounded kids that don't really have USAMO or RSI or any research awards or anything. But I like math and science (well maybe with the exception of biology...)? That should count for something right?</p>
<p>@classof09, don't worry! I think that the main thing that awards like that show is a passion for learning, which you can hopefully communicate with other parts of your application. Mine didn't have any shiny awards, and considering the amount of awards that they give out, statistically not every single MIT admit can win the USAMO or another award...</p>
<p>So, I definitely had a MyMIT account back when I was a sophomore, not gonna lie. I hopped on the MIT train probably a little earlier than was admittedly healthy, but whatevs. Worked out in the end.</p>
<p>My advice on early action- if your app is ready to go and good as it'll ever be by November 1, there's no reason not to apply early. I mean, come on, potential to get a tube if you're accepted in December? Definitely worth it. Also, it's reallly nice to get applications out of the way as early as possible. And if you get accepted to your first choice EA, you get the whole decision thing out of the way early, too. So in April when all your friends are stressed out about college decisions and all that, you can chill back... and study for APs instead. :)</p>
<p>So, even if you're first choice isn't MIT, apply EA/ED to your first choice, because if you get in in December, it'll make your year. </p>
<p>^^ Backfired in ways like, getting into Harvard? :-P Just kidding!! Agree that getting apps done early is SO WORTH IT. Really. It really really is.</p>
<p>Yeah.. about that. I made my account last year too :) Though it isn't really good for all that until the app comes out. I'm actually looking at the arts supplement right now :) Gotta decide what I'll be doing about that.</p>
<p>HAHA i made my account like in freshman year??? gosh beat u guys to it. i think i had filled out a temporary app freshman year too. with what i think would come to be. heeheehee! i also wrote some essays but decided to scrap them. now i'm just waiting for an inspiration; i can quote the questions to the T.</p>
<p>okay i'm a loser. i don't even know if i'm going to apply EA. </p>
<p>oh btw, i lost my email address so my myMIT account is dead. but they won't let me make another one. i guess i'll have to email tech support about that</p>