EA applicants

<p>Who else is applying EA? Daughter has decided to apply even though Miami is larger and more urban than most of her list, primarily because it seems to be pretty up and coming , ranking on the rise, generous on merit aid, and has numerous opportunities for a science oriented female. It's probably a social scene stretch but we have a herd of relatives in South Florida she can run to for comfort and sustenance.</p>

<p>Basic stats:1/141,4.0uw,4.65w,35 ACT</p>

<p>Who else is applying EA?</p>

<p>Hi Cur - It's me, Wish<em>it</em>was_April !</p>

<p>My S is at Miami and loves it. I bet your D will get in with a nice merit scholarship. I am not here much but occasionally check the Miami forum. I have nothing but good things to say about the school.</p>

<p>Good luck to your D this year.</p>

<p>Yea! I was so hoping she would give Miami a second look. I think she will find that it has all the opportunities of a larger research uni with a smaller homey feel. S, a freshman, has only one class over 22 and that class, chem, breaks out into lab sections of 15 students. He has found profs accessible and eager to help students succeed. She should get some great merit $.</p>

<p>Two weeks in to the semester S had an accident, was hospitalized for 2 days and then subsequently had surgery on his right hand and has been in a cast since. The school has been extremely supportive and arranged for him to have note-takers, testing accomodations and the Residence Coordinator has checked in to see if there was anything else they could do for him. They also called us to offer assistance. UMiami seems to really care about their kids.</p>

<p>I think there are many different social scenes. S is not into the whole South Beach club scenario and has had no trouble finding other like kids. He did say in the beginning that everyone felt compelled to be doing "something" every night, but once the reality of college coursework set in that seems to have slowed down. He likes going to the Wellness Center and can't wait to get the cast off and start playing raquetball again. I really feel that UMiami is a school full of spirit and has a niche for everyone. I think your D would be a great fit.</p>

<p>S absolutely loves it as do we. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks. She will just have to find "her people" wherever she goes. Wellness Center seems like a good enough place to start.</p>

<p>I think she decided to apply to 2 or 3 research-y schools with med school ties, frankly because she thinks she might be more ready for that in April than she is now. She is deciding on one or two more that unfortunately are just ED/RD .</p>

<p>My S is a big wellness center guy too. He is in the Bus school with an interest in Communications, another UM school. He is excited about all the paid internship opportunities, available even to freshman for this coming summer. He loves the weather, finds kids very friendly, and has also found his advisors and everyone else extremely supportive, accessible and helpful. He loves using his HS Spanish and says it is improving enormously. He plays lacrosse, has a job (tell your D to check out the Miami Committment program - it got S access to the "better" jobs) if she goes - apps are due for that in late spring. </p>

<p>Miami got a much better yield this year and I think it is not only rising academically but it is appealing to more academic kids who are turning down offers elsewhere to take advantage of the merit money and sunshine. The bar is rising there, and fast.</p>

<p>I just applied EA but I was just wondering how Miami claims a 4.1 as their average weighted gpa. At my school the valedictorian has a 4.09, maybe because we only weigh junior year grades but that still seems kind of high. I only have a 3.55 because of stupid freshman year, but hopefully UMiami looks past my terrible 2.8 in freshman year. At least im still 29/465.</p>

<p>moostermister, I think that any school regardless of stated policy would give some leeway to less than perfect freshman grades. A general trending upward while maintaining or even adding difficulty would be a good thing. I am told that for students with early high school less than perfect scores, the mid-year report weighs heavily. At least for RD decisions.</p>

<p>I expect that a student who dropped out of all the Pre-ap and honor's track courses to achieve their increased GPA would not do very well. </p>

<p>You are top 6-7% at your school. They will notice that and someone will probably wonder where you would have been without your freshman year sucking you down a few places. Did anybody mention the trend upward? GC? You in an essay? Rec?</p>

<p>Are your other parts of your app more indicative of the quality of your work? If so I doubt a suck-y freshman year is going to keep you out.</p>

<p>Anybody know about the repuation of the liberal arts, in particular poli sci and history?</p>

<p>Yippee! Another possible UMiamiMom! Curmudgeon, you mentioned science and this is where I can help. DS is very much involved with the science school, being a Microbiology/Immunology major and minoring in Chemistry. He also has a job on Campus. And it looks like this summer he will be there, taking classes and doing paid research at the Medical College, getting everything prepared for his grad school applications. </p>

<p>Believe me when I tell you the social scene at UM is as varied as the kind of kids you'll find there. I was terrified that he wouldn't "fit in", being from a small rural area of the midwest, and at the time couldn't have cared less about clubbing, fashion do's and don't, and high brow society living. He found friends very quickly, and ironically, from every different walk-of-life. It seems the students at UM get along wonderfully, and he can't have pictured himself anywhere else. </p>

<p>Mooster....4.1 weighted isn't that unusual. My son went in and our high school didn't weight grades, but when he talked to UM prior to admission they went ahead and weighted according to their standards. He had a 3.97 unweighted and according to them it would have been much higher with the classes he had taken. </p>

<p>hopeful....I can't give much info other than to tell you that the history classes he's taken he has enjoyed. If you do have any other questions about campus or such, just let us know and we'll try to help here! </p>

<p>Best of luck to both of you!</p>

<p>thanks, its basically been my downfall. Last year i took 6 AP or IB courses and got straight A's in them, I got 1 A- in pre-calc, the only math before ap calc my school offers. I just was wondering about Miami's grade inflation, saying the average freshman has a 4.1. It almost seems unbelievable for Miami or maybe they weigh all Honors/IB/AP courses by 1 whole point.</p>

<p>another EA applicant here..S is interested in the Sports Management program and spent last July there in their Summer Scholars program to see if the major and U were a fit.Happy to report both were.
Our HS doesn't rank and we were assured it wouldnt matter for scholarship consideration.S is NMSF here in NY with a 97UW (we do out of 100 not 4.0) will have 7 AP's upon finishing senior year. They reweight everything according to their own formula.
Miami gives a 1/2 for NMF and he was told his chances for 3/4 were good,they give out 20 full tuition rides..Curmudgeon your D's chances should be excellent,and she may like it more than you think!
I guess a visit is in order for you..I would wait till its good and cold where you are and then fly on down..that should seal the deal.
I'm glad the parents who post here have such good things to say about the school.</p>

<p>Curmudgeon-Your D might want to take a look at the "Band of the Hour". It's the marching band and open to all kids who play an instrument. CTMOM's D is doing it and having a great time. I think it really helped her find her peeps early on and get involved right away. The kids arrive on campus a week before the other freshmen for band camp. I've seen them on campus practicing and at the football game parent's weekend and they seemed to be having a blast.</p>

<p>I applied EA and was wondering what other schools are comprable and what others schools are you applying to in addition to U miami. It's a little bit bigger and farther away from the other schools that I'm applying to.</p>

<p>Same for my D, Hotelschool. She has applied to Case EA, Scripps, and UMiami EA. There's a mixed bag. LOL. She is also applying to several LAC's, and most probably two more Uni's- WashU and a player to be named later.</p>

<p>My D applied EA as well.Top 5% in NYC specialized HS (doesnt give exact rank) 3.8 UW GPA, 1410 old SAT, 1950 new. Hoping to get into honors program and hoping for at least 1/2 tuition.</p>

<p>I applied EA. 3.6 GPA (actually rising senior year) 29 ACT. Although I don't think I will be able to attend, unless aid and scholarships come up.</p>

<p>CathyMee - I'm also doing Sport Management! What other schools is your son applying to? Let me know because I am wanting to do another one here!</p>

check your PM's

<p>I too applied EA... 94/100 gpa top 11% CR and 1350 old sat.....</p>

<p>Yea. I can stop sweating. D's app shows as "complete". Now, on to the waiting for admissions and scholarship decisions.</p>

<p>I applied as a spring transfer student and am able to log into the myUM thing and see all the academic/housing/financial info and was wondering if everyone who applied can do that? When I click on food plan it says I'm not yet elligible so I'm guessing they haven't yet made a decision on me and this is just something everyone can access.</p>