<p>How about an EA roll call?</p>
<p>hi, btw anyone hear how many EA applications ND got this year?</p>
<p>I heard it’s 3000 more than last year, but I could be mistaken. (I hope I’m mistaken.)</p>
<p>It’s getting closer! I think it’s safe to say that football did nothing this year to increase applicants, though.</p>
<p>Can you get deferred, or is it just straight up acceptance/rejection with EA?</p>
<p>EA applicant right here and I’m starting to get anxious. A little more than two weeks now.</p>
<p>Colinization, yes, you can get deferred EA.</p>
<p>^Good to know-I think this is probably what’ll happen to me.</p>
<p>Only about two more weeks!</p>
<p>My confidence has totally wavered! I’ve been going back and forth about my chances, but as it gets closer I’m trying to brace myself for a deferral. I emailed my regional admissions counselor all my stats/ECs and she told me to apply early, which boosted my confidence (and finalized my decision to apply EA), but now it’s sinking in that SO many people will be applying this year it’ll be more competitive than ever. It’s a bummer. But i don’t know, fingers crossed haha. Gonna be a long two weeks.</p>
<p>Wow, those stats are scaring me. They have said the number would rise. I don’t want to believe it. I know the average stats of people who get accepted, but does anyone know the average GPA, SAT scores, ACT scores, ECs of people who apply EA or RD?</p>
<p>My D did the same thing. Her rep told her EA would be any appropriate route. Nothing in her app would change between EA date and RD date so she might as well apply early. I think I am more nervous than she is. Her Gymnastics season has started so this is keeping her busy. Good luck to all who applied.</p>
<p>EA from London here</p>
<p>Despite the fact that Brown is where i wanna go</p>
<p>^That’s really weird-completely different political/religious climate-almost polar opposites. (And the states are pretty far apart.)</p>
<p>Notre Dame hands down. And way more beautiful. But then I’m claustrophobic, and really enjoy being out in the agora.</p>
<p>EA applicant here. When/How do we hear back?</p>
<p>15th. If you haven’t gotten your letter by the 18th, contact them.</p>
<p>My sister spoke to her ND rep and was told while they expect the regular decision applicants to go up that they did not see an increase for EA. She spoke to her last week. She was happy to hear that.</p>
<p>^Seriously? Awesome.</p>