<h1>2 in class of 300 (because I took one more class than she did)</h1>
<p>AP- US history-5/ Bio-5
this year- English/ calc BC/ Physics B/ Spanish/ </p>
Adv. wind ensemble- 4yrs
jazz band- 4yrs
Marching band- 4yrs
<em>all first chair</em>
soccer- 4yrs captain for first year
track- 3yrs captain
ice hockey- 4yrs
indoor soccer- 4yrs
NHS- treasurer
Directed/ started annual fine arts festival for fundraising at school
voluteer at nursing home
solo & ensemble contests at Northwestern- 4yrs (1st place or superior every year)</p>
<p>chances for EA at Yale?
I'm going to submit this week/ next week, so I'll probably get an interview
<p>sorry, my class is about 450, not 300
and I'm male, in a new public school (I am the first graduating class)
and I play the trumpet
and do pole vault/ distance in track</p>
<p>Congrats on a great HS career. Statistically, you're viable. Are you looking to continue to play sports once in college? Make sure your essays speak from your voice. Best of luck to you</p>
<p>AP Exams
US History-3
This Year: Literarture, Calculus AB/BC</p>
<p>Marching Band-4 Yrs
-section leader past two years
Jazz Band-4yrs
Concert Band
Music Embassador
Class President Junior and Senior Year
State Officer Student Council
Student Council Rep-3 yrs
NHS Secretary
Track-4 yrs
Soccer-Freshmen Year
Civil Rights Team 3-yrs (canceled this year)
Key Club-2yrs
Williams College Book Award for Leadership</p>
<p>Rank: 22 out of 327 students</p>
<p>Not as impressive as rockthwer22, but could I still have a chance at EA for Yale?</p>
<p>Just remember, HYPS is a reach for pretty much every applicant, and your competition is not just national but international, so make sure, once your EA app is in, that you work with the same intensity on all your RD apps, so you are not scrambling you don't get good news in dec</p>
<p>Stat wise you seem to be fine,but idk your chances. Did you ever win any major titles in soccer or track, or were u just captain? Did you ever have any major titles in music?</p>