EA to ED

<p>I was just wondering if I called the admission offices if it would be possible to change my early action decision to early decision? After about a month. I'll be willing to wait an extra couple of weeks for my decision. Can it be done?</p>

<p>I don’t think UM would do that but moreover, why would you want to? The acceptance rate is better for EA applicants. You’ll find out EA results at the end of January - about 8 weeks from now.

<p>Everyone keeps going on about how the acceptance rate is higher for EA applicants… I want to point out that I’d imagine this is because the ED applicants are probably, generally, of a lesser par than EA applicants (UM is probably a reach school for them, and they know it).</p>

<p>It might be appropriate, were we given the information, to compare admissions statistics for people of similar SAT and GPA scores across ED and EA. But, alas, the Admissions Office doesn’t release this information as far as I know.</p>

<p>In any case, give them a call. I doubt they’ll let you do it because I’m pretty sure you need to accept some sort of legal agreement in order to apply ED. But it doesn’t hurt to call and ask. The phone number for the admission office is (305) 284-4323.</p>

<p>w i doubt miami would let you do that because they are sending out admissions decisions next thursday and they probably havent gotten to any EA applications yet</p>

<p>I think the OP is actually applying ED to another school…kind of odd post IMO…</p>

<p>Tennis421, if that is the case, I strongly recommend against changing your University of Miami application status to ED. </p>

<p>If you apply to two schools ED and they find out, both schools might reject you because it is such a highly unethical thing to do. The idea behind ED is that you are making a binding decision to attend the college if you get accepted. You can’t make such a commitment to multiple schools.</p>