ED vs EA: Starting to Reconsider?

<p>I'm basically finished my application for Miami, but I haven't submitted it yet. I've been talking with my parents, and my mom suggested that maybe I should consider applying Early Decision instead of Early Action. I'm comfortable enough with my stats that I hope to be getting one of the top scholarships. My only concern is financially. I know Early Decision prevents you from playing colleges off each other in terms of financial aid. But I also know that Miami purportedly matches 100% of need. So, I'm asking two questions:
1) Should I apply ED?
2) If the financial aid is not enough that I couldn't afford going to Miami, how does this work with Early Decision?</p>

<p>Marine bio, I’m not an expert on this but I think it’s important that you know what the term" meeting need " really means. For one thing, every school has their own methodology for determining your need. One school may calculate it very differently from another. It is not at all the same as the " need " calculated by the FASFA. Generally it will be calculated to be much lower. The other thing that is important to understand is that meeting need does not mean no loans. The colleges often calculate loans as part of your financial aid package. Now, that being said, with your strong app, chances are that your package will include more grant $ then loans. (based on the need they calculate). Tell me, what is the advantage of applying early decision? For you? I thought early decision was GENERALLY ( I’m always afraid I’m going to get in trouble from someone on here so I’m putting in qualifiers) for students who were a little below the colleges required stats. As for what happens if the financial aid package isn’t enough after you apply early decision? I dont think anything. But I would check with someone at the school.</p>

<p>Marinebio: please search the common data set for UMiami…if I recall correctly, one of the few schools that ED acceptance rate is lower than EA. </p>

<p>Honestly, do not think it is necessary to change your app to ED.</p>

<p>From what you’ve said, I see no valid argument that supports you applying ED as opposed to EA; it seems that everything is actually against you applying ED. What was your mom’s reasoning in the first place?</p>

<p>Can you wait an extra five weeks for your decision?</p>

<p>I agree with the others. Since FA is a real concern, there is absolutely nothing to be gained by applying ED; EA will serve you very well. ED will require you to decide if the aid package is enough to make attendance possible and send your deposit in early January, long before receiving aid packages from any other schools. </p>

<p>In the end, it may turn out that UM is the school that gave you the best aid, but you already declined their ED offer in early January. Only apply ED if your family has run the FA Net Price Calculator and feels comfortable accepting whatever aid is offered. Remember the calculator only gives an estimate.
[University</a> of Miami - Net Price Calculator](<a href=“http://public.cgcent.miami.edu/AttendanceCalculator/]University”>http://public.cgcent.miami.edu/AttendanceCalculator/)</p>

<p>I agree with the others. Stick with the EA.</p>

<p>We have a zero EFC and also a merit scholarship. Her package includes loans and does not cover everything. Keep your options open!</p>