Earhart or Cary Quad for freshmen?

<p>Hello. I am an incoming freshman majoring in aerospace engineering and within the next few days I must decide my residence hall. Looking over the available information the two best halls seem to be Earhart and Cary Quad for me specifically. Earhart is close to the corec and a lot of the dining places and has very nice amenities inside the building while Cary Quad is right next to the Engineering Mall. On the other hand, Earhart is nearly a mile away. Which one would be the superior place to stay? The small price difference doesn't really matter. I've heard Cary Quad has really bad freshman rooms, is this true? If so, that seems to be the prime reason to stay at Earhart instead.</p>

<p>The walk really isn’t that bad, and there’s a bus stop right outside of Earhart that takes you to Armstrong, PHYS, ECE, and the Materials building. Pretty convenient. </p>

<p>I lived in Harrison and Shreve, and I’d just leave like 30min early to get there 10 min early. Nice walk to campus.</p>

<p>Besides, you do need to walk to your gen ed, math, and science courses that are across campus. </p>

<p>Freshman dorms at Cary are tiny. I don’t know the specifics but it feels like Cary dorms are half the size of Earhart’s dorms. The walk to campus from Earhart is not bad at all as you are around 10 min from the center of campus. Note that the engineering mall isn’t where all your classes are going to be so you’ll still have to walk to the other side of campus for certain classes. Earhart also has a bus stop right in front of it that’s VERY convenient during winter lol. Also, as you said, Earhart is fairly close to the Corec and has a dining court and On-The-Go inside of it. Although Cary’s location is nice and Cary Knight Spot comes in clutch for snacks and hangouts, I would choose Earhart.</p>

<p>Definitely choose Earhart. Freshmen are put in Cary South (aka Cary closets). Earhart is closer to the other dorms that also have freshmen and is in the middle of all the residence halls.</p>