Earlier or Regular Decision?

<p>I am getting that both early and regular decision doesn't matter in terms of getting in.
I am applying to VT as a university studies with the GPA/SAT that is on the borderline of my school acceptance.
I really want to go to this university and my SAT score will not raise up, but if i do regular decision, my GPA will be about 0.05 higher than before.
What should I do?</p>

<p>If VT is your first choice, apply ED. You will either be accepted, deferred or denied. If accepted or denied, you will at least know in December and if need, can make a game plan from there. If you are deferred, then you are in the same place as you would have been by applying Regular (ie: waiting to hear with others who apply in January). So, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying ED. Just my thoughts.</p>

<p>One additional comment, your SAT is low and you state that you know it will not come up. I am not sure I understand why you feel that way, but I might suggest you try to take the ACT instead. Many students perform better on that test and VT does accept and review those results.</p>

<p>Sunny, you want to present the best possible application to any school. If your application will not benefit from the first semester of your senior year, then submit ED. But if the first semester of your senior year makes you a stronger overall candidate, you should wait for regular decision. I was told this by the UVA legacy office which gives admissions advice to kids of UVA grads. This is UVA’s take on ED vs regular…it sounds rational to me. But you can also look at acceptance rates of ED candidates vs regular candidates at VT to see if the rates are higher for one pool or the other.</p>