<p>I got a question. How fast do they inform you of the admission decision? Also, when is the earliest, you can send in the application?</p>
<p>A UIUC friend told me that you are able to see the "unofficial" admission decision as early as a few days after your application is submitted and it was about a month until he got it in the mail.</p>
<p>Also, I bet you can just send it in right once they give them out ;)</p>
<p>Not that many would be done in the first day or two :P</p>
<p>You can apply as soon as the application comes out, which is September 1st. Though I have a feeling I can't really do that because isn't there some counselor form or something? Maybe if I print that out on Friday morning and take it to school or something...lol I dunno. But yeah I called UIUC and they said they start accepting online apps as soon as they come out.</p>
<p>I think you can submit the online apps only from September 15 onwards? That's what the admissions office told me over email.</p>