Saw there isn’t one so I figured I’d make it!

No one has heard back yet right??

I haven’t :frowning:

My daughter hasn’t received a decision letter yet. But she did receive a postcard wishing her Happy Holidays and letting her know her decision will be arriving soon.

I got that too @NorthofBoston26 !! Their website says they will be sending out decisions before SRU goes on winter break. (Their break begins on the 21st) so we should be hearing back in the next 4-6

has anyone heard yet? and is there a way to find out online?

@frostithesnowman we MIGHT hear back today…

If you look on the salve admissions twitter a bunch of people have already heard

I wish they had an application status page… I haven’t gotten anything in the mail yet

My daughter received her acceptance packet last week. Good luck to all!

i got in with presidential scholarship. as this was my last choice school i probably won’t be going

Any updates here on acceptances?!