Early action and OCT ACT

<p>Hi Guys,</p>

<p>I'm looking at applying early action to three colleges. The early action deadline is Nov 1. I have taken Sep ACT and plan on taking Oct 26 ACT. My dilemma is, if I apply now with Sep score and later on if Oct ACT score is high, I might be at a disadvantage. </p>

<p>Is it possible that I send application with Sep score to get the application in by the deadline and if the Oct score is high I should send that score when it is available which will be anytime around Nov 10th. </p>

<p>If I understand correctly, if you don't get accepted early, your application will be considered under regular decision.</p>

<p>Can someone provide insight?</p>

<p>Check each colleges website for how they will handle the tests. There is no one answer, each school has their own way of dealing with it.</p>

<p>As for EA, some, if not most, will reject you outright and not consider you for RD if you are not accepted, unless you are deferred.</p>

<p>You need to check the particular colleges’ rules for EA. Many with Nov 1 deadlines in fact accept the Oct ACT score for EA though it arrives after Nov 1. In fact, a number of them even accept the Nov SAT. </p>

<p>If the college instead says that test scores must be in its hands by Nov 1 or that the Oct ACT is too late, then I would recommend calling the college with this question: if your application file is complete with test scores by Nov 1, can you send the Oct score to update the file and will it be considered for EA? That is actually a question to which you will seldom find the answer on the website but some are likely to tell you they will accept that later score for consideration as long as file was otherwsie complete with a test score by Nov 1.They will also tell you that it will not be considered if that is the case.</p>

<p>Some schools, e.g., Georgetown, have a policy of not denying admission to any EA applicants. You are either accepted or deferred to RA. However, majority will give one of three decisions, admit, deny admission, or defer to RA. Check the rules of each college.</p>

<p>Some colleges expect you to send all SAT/ACT/subject tests score. Meaning they do not participate in score choice. </p>

<p>I know for every ACT score there is a separate charge. How about SAT? </p>

<p>Can SAT send all your scores with one charge?</p>

<p>When sending any SAT score to a college, the default position for such an order is that College Board will send all SAT and subject test scores it already has for you unless you specifically exercise score choice and choose ones not to send. ACT is the opposite and sends only that test score ordered.</p>

<p>I have taken Sep ACT. I can send Sep score to meet the official deadline on Jan1 st for regular application. If I take Dec ACT and the score is high, can I send that later on while the application is being processed? I’m assuming Dec scores can reach colleges by 2nd of of Jan.</p>