Early action but taking the October 28 ACT

I am preparing to apply Early Action at UW-Madison by the November 1 deadline, but I am also signed up to take the October 28 ACT (in hopes that I can improve my current score, a 31). Should I just report these scores to UW-Madison as soon as they are ready (mid-November) and will they be considered as part of the Early Action Application? Or will they come too late to be considered?

Go ahead and report them.

I have a related question: My son has everything ready to apply EA, but he took the SATs again in mid-October, and won’t have scores until mid-November. IF his scores go up, he’ll send them right away to be included in his app, but there is a chance his app will already have been reviewed before the new scores come in.

Does anyone have intel about what order the applications are reviewed in? Like, starting Nov 7, does Admissions go alphabetical by last name? Are in-state apps reviewed first?

It would take a load of stress off to know whether he can apply EA and still very likely get the new scores added before review, or whether he is taking a big risk to apply EA and have his app reviewed without the new scores.

(This is all assuming his scores go up of course! Ha.)

I assume applications are reviewed as they come in, certainly names do not matter nor do they wait to do OOS ones. Historically UW did rolling admissions and released individual results as they decided. Now it seems as though they are doing a batch of results by the posted dates.

Try asking UW admissions your question- an email perhaps?

Thanks, wis75. I’m pasting their reply here for the benefit of the group, in case others are also wondering about this:

“We cannot guarantee that application materials (SAT scores) received in our office after the November 6th early action material receipt deadline will be reviewed with your son’s application.

Each application is reviewed by multiple counselors so we do not have an alphabetical order or first in first out read system. There is not a definite way to determine when your son’s application will be reviewed.”

At this point, my son might apply RD, partly so he can be sure his best scores are accounted for (if they improve), and also so he has more time to establish his upward grade trend.

But is there really no difference in a kid’s chances of getting in whether they apply EA or RD? I know at some schools you definitely have better odds the earlier you apply. (I’ve emailed this Q to the Admissions Office too.)

You should start your own thread to avoid confusion.