I'm applying to Michigan soon for Early Action but I want to take my SATs again. May I still take the November SAT or is it even too late to take the October SAT?</p>
<p>Also, how does Michigan count AP credits? Do I need 5's in all of them to get credit?
I already took chemistry, calc AB, macroeconomics, microeconomics, psychology
Can I graduate about a year early with just this or should I take a bit more? </p>
<p>Please give me some advice, thanks!</p>
<p>That amount of AP credit, if within the guidelines, will get you one semester of credit if you are lucky. Part of the College Board hoax to lure kids into paying $80 for an exam and an additional $10 per school to send a score. In reality if someone’s goal was to get college credit, they’d be far better off taking joint enrollment classes. Here is an example. Say you take an entire year of AP World History and score a 5 on an exam—that 5 equates to one semester of world history (3 hours). Take an entire year of world history through joint enrollment (two semester sequence) in world history and you just scored yourself 6 hours of credit. See what I did there? One year of AP gets you half a year of credit. One year of joint enrollment get you an entire year of credit.</p>
<p>One of the fews downsides to applying early action is that you need to submit your application with your current test scores. So, if you plan on retaking the SAT or if you are waiting on a better grade in one of your classes, you are kind of stuck. If you would like your SAT (retake) score to be reflected on your early action application, make sure you will have your results before the EA deadline.</p>