Early Action?

<p>Tyler, I don't know, but it seems perfectly reasonable to call the office and make sure they are sending a copy to you at school.</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm really excited about the money. the problem is.. they didn't offer me any financial aid and I'm going to need more scholarships or something to be able to afford to go there.</p>

<p>blindkite --I pm'd you about a possible approach on merit $$.</p>

<p>allright, i just flat out sent the football coach an email asking him if i got in or not,.</p>

<p>tell me how that works out. i was thinking about sending the lacrosse coach one</p>

<p>apparently they don't know. Everyone that has gotten in already,what are your scores/GPA like?</p>

<p>The CC website says that Early Action decisions are mailed in mid-January. So while a small number of EA applicants may have been notified early, don't worry if you haven't heard anything yet.</p>

<p>I got in EA and all my scores were above their "middle 50%" that is listed in college books and stuff. I swam varsity freshman year, but didn't even report that on commonapp b/c I quit after that. However, I have a bunch of unique extracurriculars (like coaching a horseback riding drill team of handicapped kids). My essays to CC were fantastic. Lol, it was my pride and joy college application.</p>

<p>But I wouldn't worry if you haven't heard anything yet. They certainly have not sent out all of their acceptance letters yet. Hope to see you there next year!</p>

<p>yea, still no word for me yet either. but i'm not suprised because some parts of my application were quite late. ACT messed up and accidently sent my earlier and lower score originally so that took longer. im still hopeful though.</p>

<p>has anyone heard lately?</p>

<p>i emailed admissions for a more specific date but never got a response.</p>

<p>i assume it should come late this week, but I really don't know..?</p>

<p>I applied EA and am excitedly awaiting the decision, what would you say my chances are?</p>

<p>Go to a very competitive public high school.
3.3 ish unweighted
4.0 weighted top 17% in the class
can't take AP's as Frosh/soph, took all honors classes
3 APs Junior year, got 5's on all 3 exams.
4 AP's this year
35 ACT
2 Sports
full time summer job
Great interview, the guy and I really connected, and he said that CC considers my highschool a Power Public high school, and that they only look at about ten public schools as being on that level, and are much more inclined to take someone from the middle of the class at those high schools.</p>

<p>wow...97% chance-ish i'd say.</p>

<p>my info is much less impressive.</p>

<p>12/180 in an average high school
3.8 weighted
3.75 unweighted
took 2 out of the 3 AP classes
30 ACT
2 sports, extracurriculars and leadership positions in some
havent had the chance to interview or for a formal visit</p>


<p>I would say ETOWNER has pretty much a sure shot. Not only do you have a great record, but you've demonstrated strong interest.</p>

<p>2008grad, I would put you a little higher than 50%, you're right in the middle of their applicant pool, so you just need to hope that something about your application resonates with them.</p>

<p>I'm kind of scared though that they'll see that I'm not even in the top ten percent and be like wow, this kids obviously smart, but he must be lazy.</p>

<p>Well, good luck anyhow! I wouldn't stress about it too much. Where else have you applied?</p>

<p>ED Middlebury, got deffered
Grinnell, Macalester, Bates, Bowdoin, Colby, Claremont McKenna and Occidental</p>

<p>decisions should be coming soon.</p>

<p>so good luck to all!</p>

<p>ETOwner..we have a very similar list. i also applied to colby, grinnell, and macalester. </p>

<p>colorado and grinnell are my top choices with carleton a close third.</p>

<p>couldn't decide early decision to anywhere though.</p>

<p>again good luck to all!</p>

<p>I AM SO FRIGGING ANXIOUS!!! WHY HASN'T IT COME?! ha i literally cannot enjoy anything because i think about it so much, my girlfriend already got in because she applied ED, waiting is horrible!</p>

<p>yea my best friend got in ed and she and i went to the wisconsin vs. cc hockey game last saturday and i couldnt cheer nearly as care-free as her. cc won 3-1 though!</p>

<p>i heard that they mailed out the letters today! good luck everyone</p>