Early Decision

<p>Does anyone know when Colorado College sends out its ED letters? We are al waiting!!</p>

<p>Received mine last year on December 16th. I remember them telling me when I called they had sent them out on December 12th so it took 4 days to get here. Good Luck...I can tell from the user name you guys are pretty psyched. I don't have one regret...just can't believe that half of my freshman year is almost over. This place is so great four years are going to fly...and hopefully the next two weeks will do the same for you!</p>


<p>Best of luck to your student. S applied and was accepted EA last year. He heard from CC at about the same time as flyboy heard for ED. LOVES IT. </p>

<p>flyboy: did you notice that friends at "regular" colleges are freaking out about exams coming? Its nice to know that if you go back to your home town for Thanksgiving and/or Winter Break, you NEVER are returning to CC to face exams. It didn't sink in how great the block system is until S experienced this.</p>

<p>BTW-- It is starting to get cold in Colorado Springs (lows in the teens).</p>

<p>I'm wondering when I'm going to hear about EA. The website says January but 07DAD says his son heard in december last year..</p>

<p>I'm impatient!</p>

<p>I heard about EA around January 10 last year. Good luck to all applicants! If accepted, it is definitely worth coming to this school. It is absolutely AMAZING! I totally agree with 07DAD about the whole not having exams thing. All my friends were really stressed out at Thanksgiving because their finals are approaching/they had a lot of work to do over thanksgiving break. </p>

<p>It's actually pretty funny because before school started, whenever I told my friends about the block plan they were always like, "ew you have to go to class for three hours everyday. Oh my gosh I could never do that it sounds awful", but now that they've been on a semester system for a couple of months, they're all really jealous of me and wish they could be on the block plan too ha ha ;).</p>

<p>I am also waiting anxiously. Does anyone know when they send out the ED notifications? It will probably take a couple extra days to get here in south Florida.</p>

<p>My son got his ED notification last year on December 16 (I've got a dated picture of the big white envelope, with Congratulations on the back). That was in Colorado. Maybe 1 day later for Florida?</p>

<p>I heard they sent out 1/2 of them yesterday and 1/2 of them today.</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK to all of you!</p>

<p>calientelizz, are you sure? i don't want to get my hopes up</p>

<p>Any word yet?</p>

<p>nope, still waiting anxiously!!</p>


<p>My S received his ED acceptance Tuesday Dec 18. It may have been sent by special mail since we are in Canada.</p>

<p>He is really pumped, ready to go RIGHT NOW!</p>

<p>Good luck to all of you.</p>

<p>Tell Canadianson WAY TO GO!</p>

<p>i got in!!
i got the letter on wednesday but i was away (in colorado actually haha) and just got home tonight</p>


<p>I know this is something you have been really wanting. Hope you don't have too much shock when you live with a snowy winter. Do you ski?</p>

<p>SOOOOO FINE Wily!</p>

<p>CC freshman S got into town late Wednesday. One final paper and then holidays. You all are going to love CC. We are still rooting for all the other applicants.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all who were accepted! Get excited for an amazing four years!</p>

<p>thanks guys!
and congrats to everyone else that got in
and yes i do ski..once or twice a year..but i love it and i can't wait to be able to ski more often and get better at it

<p>bump, bump to add some information for the 2008 applicants</p>