Early Action?

<p>Hey, I totally know what you mean!</p>

<p>Just had a long talk with S. Despite being a science kind of guy, he is loving a philosophy course he is taking as a distribution requirement.</p>

<p>Oh, check out the current University issue of Maclean's. They talk about the "crisis in undergraduate education", citing all the kinds of reasons that lead you and me to send out kids to LACs. It will make you feel good.</p>



<p>Is this just because, if you're going to go to an expensive school in another country, it should be someplace big and famous? Or is there something more specifically about the LAC concept that tends not to settle well with Canadians, or the Canadian education system? Like, the lack of professional programs (engineering, business, etc)?</p>

<p>My dad attended a small New England LAC right before WWII, then law school after the war at someplace big and famous. He just could not understand the attraction of a large urban university. Years ago he told me, college should be a place where you can set aside 4 years from the hubbub, sit under a tree on the lawn and talk about life (or something like that).</p>

<p>I think my kid is doing more sports, skiing and partying than talking about life right now, but I agree with what your dad said and I do think that LACs foster this environment. </p>

<p>That said, S did talk to me for TWO+ hours about philosophy last week!</p>

<p>From what I can see, Canadians are more focused on university as career training and have less of a concept of college as a place to learn how to be flexible for a future that may include a variety of career changes. I also think they are less likely to see this time as valid for a "time out" for self-development, self-discovery, and similar values held by aging US hippies like me.</p>

<p>Susan, I'm wondering what your take on this is?</p>

<p>bump since tis the season to decide between ED,EA and RD</p>

<p>I do not understand why anyone would choose RD when non-binding EA is available, allowing you to get a decision on admissions and merit aid by January.</p>

<p>I don’t either, although I know one person who went that route and got in the freshman class of 2007. The CC datasets for last few years appear to reflect the RD is a much, much tougher way to go.</p>

<p>^^ and ^, one reason could be that first semester senior grades are expected to be higher that all those before, but won’t be officially available until after the EA deadline.</p>

<p>I have bumped this thread since EA notices have started to come out in late December the last few years.</p>

<p>I can’t wait to find out!!!</p>

<p>The admissions people do not notify EA applicants until after January 4th, when the office reopens after the holidays.</p>

<p>so it is christmas eve of 2009…</p>

<p>and i got my letter in the mail! they mailed out early action admissions decision already!</p>

<p>haha i was so stupid when i opened the letter. my sisters were all like, “do you want to open this alone?” and i said, “no. why would i want that? colorado sends stuff like this all the time.” and then it ends up being my actual decision.</p>

<p>anyways, good luck to everybody</p>

<p>i applied early action to CC. i almost did early decision, because it’s my top choice, but i didnt have the heart to deal with the binding contract. my brother applied 2007 early action and got his acceptance letter on christmas day. ive heard of people hearing back on december 22, but it’s january 1, and i still havent heard. i have a friend who found out like two days ago. it’s really nerve-wracking and im very nervous! i keep checking the mail daily, but no response as of yet. :(</p>

<p>wish me good luck!! and the same to the rest of you. :)</p>

<p>good luck gramsdell92!!! hope you get in!</p>

<p>bump–this thread also addresses “when” the ED and EA letters are received.</p>

<p>I know this is a very basic/obvious questions, but does anyone know if the chances are higher for applying EA rather than regular? I know at some colleges your chances are better if you apply EA…is CC like this too?</p>

<p>I would guess that your chances are MUCH better EA. For the class of 2012 the EA and ED rate were each about 43% and the overall admission rate (combined EA, ED, RD) was 26%.</p>