Early Action?

<p>Sounds like an acceptance to me........unless CC has taken to playing a particularly sadistic game, which I doubt. Please let us know when your son opens it.</p>

<p>My daughter got the big package today, with pretty good aid. She definitely likes the idea of one class at a time, so we may see if we can swing a trip out so she can view the campus a little closer and sit in on a class. Congrats Dottikance and probably tk21769's son.</p>

<p>Congratulations, Oregunmum!</p>

<p>My son just flew home via Portland and almost didn't get out. Wild snow here in Vancouver, too.</p>

<p>I hope your D will schedule an overnight, as hanging out with the students in a dorm will give her a good feel for the CC culture. Sitting in on a class is a good idea in theory, but the problem is that if the school schedules her into something that is not really interesting to her, that 3 hour class is going to seem veery long. If she meets enough students, she is likely to find one who has a class in something of interest and then she can probably tag along. It is pretty informal there, and the school will be eager to please an accepted student.</p>

<p>There are also the Accepted Students Weekends to consider. My S didn't go because he was sure about CC, but they look fun.</p>

<p>Thanks Canadianmom. You are lucky he did get out, many flights have been cancelled, since we have had our 40 year storm this year. We had over a foot in our yard, which is unheard of in the Portland area. We don't have snow plows and nobody knows how to drive in this mess. Between the weather and the economy, Christmas is a bit of a bust for the retail stores this year.</p>



<p>Well, when he got home this evening I immediately pointed out "what looks like a calendar from Colorado College." Yes, it turned out to be an acceptance, with a nice merit scholarship to sweeten the deal. We are really proud and excited for him.</p>


<p>I remember this day well........both my reaction and then my son's to "a really thick envelope" before he opened it.</p>

<p>So early action decisions are on their way out, then? I'll be waiting patiently here in Vermont. Pity they don't send out emails or anything. I got in and will be going to Reed unless there is some sort of scholarship surprise for me with Colorado College, but I'm not very confident I'll be accepted anyway, so I'm incredibly curious overall. and I've already got the mail today, darnit!</p>


<p>From what I've heard, the student cultures are miles apart at Reed and CC. So if you get into both, I suggest you do more research before you decide. Do let us know if you get in!</p>

<p>elinck, Reed (and any other school's) ED is binding. You run the risk of losing all acceptances by backing out (only inadequate FA is an acceptable reason, which obviously doesn't apply to you). Yes, some schools read these boards, and some talk with each other. ED is taken very seriously. Consider carefully.</p>

<p>vossron, I certainly know the gravity the ED obligation holds. There is, however, a slight loophole: if your family's financial aid package is not large enough to allow for attendance, you're released from the early decision agreement. As it stands, Reed offered me financial aid that may or may not be within our means - it's a borderline deal for a middleclass family with a bunch of pesky equity in our home that we are going to try and make work and hope for improvement over the next few years. </p>

<p>I made light of the fact that if Colorado College offered me significant money - which they almost certainly will not - my parents would probably pause for a moment. They wouldn't really back out. We already went out to dinner for the Reed acceptance, ha.</p>

<p>As for student cultures, I'm aware, but truthfully, I'm probably about halfway in-between a Reed kid and a Colorado College kid - I'm probably a bit dorkier than the average CC student, but I'm an avid skiier/outdoorsman, and probably more athletic than the average Reedie. In any case, I visited Reed, and loved it, and it's not like there's no overlap. I have a friend at Colorado College as well.</p>

<p>Really! I did my research!</p>

<p>Sounds like you have really thought things through, elinck, and I wish you well . I suspect you are the kind of person who will be happy wherever you land.</p>

<p>:) Sorry, I misinterpreted your other posts re FA. You're absolutely right.</p>

<p>The more I think about it, the more "I ... will be going to Reed unless there is some sort of scholarship surprise for me with Colorado College" is troubling. It is precisely this weighing of offers which is not allowed. You need to tell Reed before the CC offer arrives if Reed's offer is not sufficient.</p>

<p>OK. It was poor wording. We're not trying to exploit weaknesses in ED agreements for financial aid, and my deposit for Reed is already packaged to be sent out (since for some reason their site doesn't accept visa cards...). I was making conversation, and it looks foolish in retrospect. However...</p>

<p>The situation does raise interesting questions. Besides a general aura of taboo around the whole process, it's not clearly outlined as to forbid the weighing of offers between an ED school and an EA school. </p>

<p>This is all that's outlined in the ED agreement:
"Should a student who applies for financial aid not be offered an award that makes attendance possible, the student may decline the offer of admission and
be released from the Early Decision commitment"
"If you are an Early Decision candidate and are seeking financial aid, you need not withdraw other applications until you have received
notification about financial aid."</p>

<p>With some schools, such as Brown, there's ED and nothing more, but most allow for EA applications as well, and when the responses come in at a similar time, things fall into a gray area. Honestly, it's hard to tell what's affordable and what isn't, even with a meticulous budget, as so much is subject to change, when you have two competing offers, it's hard not to mentally compare them. The thing is, however, it's need based aid for ED, and for any EA schools it would only be merit aid, which is unlikely anyway.</p>

<p>Sorry for hijacking this thread. I promise to not get in trouble with the powers that be!</p>

<p>BACK on topic - I've been to Colorado Springs twice, long before the collegiate search, and while I liked the Garden of the Gods, and a certain Italian restaurant I no longer recall the name of, but as I'm sure you're all aware, it rather contrasts with the (unrepentantly liberal) atmosphere at CC. The viewbook makes note of proximity to Denver, but what is the closest, um, really nice town? Not necessarily a bustling metropolis (it could be quaint), but a well designed hamlet with one of those classic American mainstreets to escape to.</p>

<p>I got accepted as well to Colorado College through the ea option and mine came earlier than i expected Which was a pleasant surprise. I am really psyced about going to CC next year!</p>

<p>Congratulations, flash! My freshman son is home on holiday and just LOVES it there. You can look forward to great skiing, sports, parties........oh yeah, great academics, too.</p>

<p>Canadianmom -
Hello! My D just received her EA letter from CC last week. We live in White Rock. Are you able to tell me more about your S and why he chose a US college, etc? I'm American - so she is my third D to attend a US college (Whitman and Middlebury being the others). Canadians just cannot understand all the US liberal arts college attraction. I cannot conceive of any other ---other than the cost..!</p>

<p>Hi Susan,</p>

<p>I'm also from the US and I totally know what you mean. My friends and even my son's dad think I'm daft. Last night when I talked to S just after he was back at CC, he said, "I love you for sending me to this school." Lemme tell you, those "I love you's" don't fall easily from this kids lips.</p>

<p>Take a look at this for more info:</p>

<p>Colorado</a> College - College Reviews - The College Search - AdmissionsAdvice.com</p>

<p>I am going to PM you my telephone. There is just too much good to say about CC to write it all.</p>

<p>PS Whitman was his second choice. Colorado Springs has lot more going for it than Walla Walla, and far better skiing. The defining thing is the Block Plan. It is perfect for my S, but certainly not for all kids.</p>


<p>Do you know that Gregor Robertson and his wife are CC grads? His Happy Planet business (good product, good labour practices, good profit) is just SO CC. CC seems to specialize in developing independent, innovative thinkers. I know Gregor a bit from my son's soccer league. Hoping his leadership in Vancouver turns out to be as good as he seems to be..........</p>

<p>Hi, Canadianmom -- Got your personal message and have not forgotten about you. Just got soooooooooooo caught up in the inauguration this week. It's so good to be a proud American in Canada and maybe have Canadians like us a wee bit more.....
Hopefully this week I shall phone you. Hope all others on this post have happy CC EA news!</p>