Early Commit Date for Scholars Program?

Hi all. My son has been invited to the BU Scholars Program, which by all accounts appears to be a fabulous program. However, he recently received an email indicating that in order to guarantee a position in the Scholars Program, the invite must be accepted well in advance of March 31, a day when many other universities render their admission decisions. Given that financial aid is an important consideration for us, it’s disappointing he won’t be able to evaluate all opportunities available to him to make an infomred decision. Has anyone else encountered this? Any advice would be appreciated.

My family is just going to pay the deposit. If I happen to get into another school, we’ll just lose the money.

I think that’s a smart approach - thanks for commenting.

This may work with this school. I don’t know. I do know that double committing to the more selective schools can get you booted from both.

@lost account, thanks for the insight. I was not at all aware of this and that’s really something for my S to understand as he does have apps into some highly selective schools.

I don’t necessarily know how true that is… Think about getting wait listed, where you’re encouraged to commit to another school.

I’d do further investigation to check it out.

Yes, schools will let you off the hook if you get off the wait list.