<p>One additional question that might be pertinent to this topic, ED is binding with the exception of financial burden, meaning if you need aid to attend Pomona and the aid is not what you expected that allows you to withdraw your ED application. </p>
<p>This is my understanding however I do not know for sure, perhaps someone who might know more than I can chime in and provide better clarity. I know this is a serious legal issue.</p>
<p>If this is indeed the case, before you withdraw your other applications you might want to wait until you feel secure in your acceptance.</p>
<p>Definitely determine whether the financial package offered will allow you to attend Pomona before withdrawing your apps at other schools. You can request that the finaid office review your financial situation if you feel that the package is insufficient; however, you may have to substantiate your claim in order to withdraw from an ED acceptance.</p>
<p>A friend of mine currently attending Pomona was initially going to decline matriculation due to finances, but the Financial Aid office was more than willing to work with him, so do make sure that you make an effort to get the aid that you need before rejecting an ED acceptance, as it is a pretty big deal.</p>
<p>That being said, good luck! I can’t wait to hear back as well :)</p>
<p>There’s no legal issue whatsoever. ED is an honor system agreement, with theoretical consequences when reneging for other than financial reasons.</p>