<p>Hey all --</p>
<p>I applied to Kenyon ED2, and I was just wondering when I should get my answer from Kenyon. I got a postcard that said I'll hear by Feb. 1, but does anyone know when they mail it out?</p>
<p>I'm going a little insane waiting! Did anyone in the New York/Long Island area hear from Kenyon yet?</p>
<p>Just a hypothetical situation: Are you allowed to apply to one school Early Action 1 (or Early Decision 1), and if you are accepted, rejected or deferred; apply to a different school for Early Decision 2? Or is this prohibited?</p>
<p>You can do Early Action 1 and Early Decision 2 -- that's what I'm doing with Kenyon and a few other schools I've heard from already. But you can't apply ED of any sort to more than one school. Unless you got rejected ED1 and applyed somewhere ED2? I don't really know. :|</p>