egyptian (coptic, not middle eastern)
weighted gpa: 4.72
unweighted: 4.0
top 2% (3rd or 4th out of class of 250+)
school type: private religious (competitive)</p>
<p>SAT: 2150 (670cr, 790m, 690w, 8 essay)
^retaking in october. aiming for 750cr, 800m, 750+w, 12 essay. been working on essay and vocab.</p>
<p>Subject Tests: Math 2 - 800; Chemistry - 800; Literature - 730 (only 2 needed though)</p>
<p>recommendations should be pretty good i guess, you can never tell...</p>
<p>essays will be good, using an approach that i heard works (write about an obstacle in life that helped you develop as a person, since ivy league schools love sob stories, or so i've heard)</p>
<p>Junior Year AP's: Chemistry - 5; Calculus AB - 5; English Language - 5</p>
<p>Senior Year AP's: Calculus BC, Statistics, English Literature, Spanish Language, Biology</p>
<p>Definitely taking the most rigorous schedule the school can possibly offer.</p>
Coptic Studies - study of the ancient language of Egypt (4 hours a week, 52 weeks a year), part of my church, becoming fluent with the language
Deaconry - active deacon in the coptic orthodox church (5-6 hours a week, 52/year)
Sunday School and Retreat leader - scattered hours</p>
<p>selective internship at a hospital, medical rotations (pretty amazing, got to see amputations and open heart surgery from inches away) - one month, 150 hours</p>
<p>shadowed a cardiologist for 30+ hours at his practice</p>
<p>worked at pediatrician's office (filing, front desk kinda thing) - 50 hours paid</p>
<p>midnight runs - volunteer service where you go to the streets of nyc and give out clothes/supplies to needy or homeless people, great experience</p>
<p>independent tutoring at school - my guidance counselor asked me to tutor some freshmen who needed help in certain subjects, about 3 hours a week for a good part of the school year (junior year only)</p>
AP Scholar
recognized in state for catholic math league
iron hills math competition participant
black belt in taekwondo
many other awards for coptic hymns
National Honors Society
Spanish Honors Society
Math Honors Society
leader of Invisible Children chapter at school
president of spanish club
leader of Cultures of the World club
headmaster's awards for academic achievement (4.0 or higher gpa)</p>
outdoor track 9,10,11
intermural basketball 9,10,11,12</p>
<p>applying to Columbia College, pre-med course hopefully, not positive what major yet.</p>
<p>visited the place, got a tour, LOVED it. the campus is amazing, the core seems really helpful to build an extremely well-rounded graduate, a very historical place, and you can walk out and be in the city... amazing, my first choice by far</p>
<p>what do you guys think? thanks for your time</p>