Early Decision Chances

<p>White Catholic Male
Small Private Catholic High School</p>

<p>All through my HS career I have taken the single hardest course curriculum offered to me. This includes all honors courses and well as 8 AP's total.*
*<em>9th-AP World
*</em>11th-APUSH, AP Lang & Comp
**12th-AP Chem, AP Calc AB, AP Lit & Comp, AP Gov and Politics, AP Macroeconomis</p>

<p>W GPA 4.14
UW GPA 3.67
ACT- 29 Twice
SAT-taking in Oct and Nov (possibly December)
Class rank- I am not sure to be honest. As well, I have a concern here. My freshman year I was at a highly competitive Public high school (top 10 in nation) and enrolled in the pre-IB program and in an AP course. Due to the competitive nature of the school and courseload, my GPA suffered and is now negatively affecting my class rank. (I believe I'm right at or below top 25%. {terrible, I know). Will they be able to see this and realize this, or should I mention it somewhere in my app?*</p>

*<em>Varsity Track-named best male sprinter by coaches 11-12
*</em>Varsity <em>Football 10-11
*</em>Youth Group-inudes numerous mission and service projects (over 500 hours.) As well , I participated in ND Vision and am a leading member in my youth group's leadership team- 9-12
*<em>National Honors Society-Senior year I am an officer in my NHS Chapter serving as Parlamentarian. As well, i've done service work with habitat for humanity through NHS-10-12 *
*</em>Boy Scouts-I have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout which required the planning and execution of a large scale project. As well, I've worked on numerous other projects totaling over 100 hours of service)-9-11
*<em>Prom Committee-fundraising, planning, decorating, organizing, and cleaning up or school's junior/senior prom. 11
*</em>Student Council Vice President-12th</p>

<p>Community Service
*<em>Soul in the City-a nmission trip to Orlando where, with my youth group, I helped a school in the poorest part of Orlando prepare for the upcoming school year by doing things such as landscaping and mulching the outside and well as preparing classrooms for teacher- 300 hours
*</em>God's Katrina Kitchen-a mission trip to mississippi where I helped in drywalling and tiling houses which had been devastated by hurricane Katrina. -75 Hours
*<em>Habitat for Humanity-consisted of sodding the lawn of a home that habitat for humanity had recently built-6 Hours
*</em>Soup Kitchen-includes serving and preparing food to the local homeless and poor-15 Hours
*<em>Eagle Projects-projects included renovating a local baseball parks storage shed, builiding a wooden walkway at a local basball park, building picnic tables for a local school, and my own eagle scout project which included renovating my sisters local daycare-100 Hours
*</em>Book-Sale set up-helped a local school prepare for the coming school year-15 Hours</p>

<p>Awards, Recognitions (help here. Feel weak here. Do I need to describe them or anything like that?)
*<em>National Honors Society
*</em>Spanish National Honors Society
*<em>First and Second Honors
*</em>Named best male sprinter on the track team.
*<em>Eagle Scout
*</em>Recieved two service awards for the completion of over 100 service hours in a single school year </p>


<p>I recently had a meeting with my guidance counselor and found that my class rank is an abyssmal 29/106. Just to have that stat, though from what I’ve read, JHU doesn’t put an extremely large amount of consideration into it.</p>

<p>Where did you hear that class rank didn’t matter as much for JHU?</p>

<p>I didn’t say that class rank wasn’t considered, but I’ve read on the Hopkins forum that the admissions staff considers class rank a minor academic indicator as compared to class rigor and GPA.</p>

<p>gotcha thanks</p>

<p>Bump got more input.</p>