<p>I'm considering ED/EA at top-notch schools but no idea which one to do.</p>
<p>They are:
-Duke (Trinity CAS)
-Penn (CAS)
-Cornell (CAS)</p>
<p>7 AP's Junior year + 2 university courses which are all going to be A's. 10 AP's total after Junior year.</p>
<p>Submitting 34 ACT, 800 MathII, and 790 USH scores. Expecting four 5's on AP exams. </p>
<p>Senior year schedule: Differential Equations I & II/Linear Algebra, university level language, and 4 other AP's.</p>
<p>I have pretty strong EC's.
-2,000+ hours of community based volunteer work (only about 30 are from school clubs)
-Captain of one varsity team, member of another
-Spent summers being mentored by world-renowned religious scholars and research at university ChemE dept.
-Worked for three companies helping in accounting, infrastructure, and software development
-President of two clubs (which I'm pretty passionate about), member of a few others
-Spent 6 years learning the art of reciting a classical language (6-7 hours a week)
-Speak 4 languages, fluent in 3</p>
<p>No major awards (a few medals here and there), but a lot of religious honors.</p>
<p>Frosh and Sophomore year transcript is pretty ugly (slacking off, but still most rigorous classes). Resultant UW GPA beginning senior year will be 3.7ishh (upward trend). Rank will be top 5%.</p>
<p>Fine with applying to each one of the aforementioned, but which one do I fit in the best/best chance?</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>I think you have a shot at Stanford, but honestly I think you should just apply to whichever you think fits you best.</p>
<p>Thing is, no one can tell you were you should apply ED because if you’re willing to commit yourself to a school once you’ve been accepted you should visit each school and know that you want to go to one of them after doing some research. Of course, they are all solid schools so you can’t go wrong with any one of them.</p>
<p>I can say that Duke, Penn, and Cornell give a significant advantage to ED applicants so if you know for sure you want to go to one of these, you can’t go wrong ED. But you really want to be sure b/c you won’t want to regret say not applying to Harvard ans seeing the result of that.</p>
<p>I don’t understand why you’d want us to try and pick your ED school. You do realize you have to commit to going to your ED school if admitted right? It seems like your just throwing out the names of several highly ranked schools. Point is, you have to pick a school that matches you not only academically but socially as well. Which school has an environment and student body that attracts you most? Where would your personality fit best?</p>
<p>See the point I’m trying to make? Any of those schools will give you great opportunities, but this is the next 4 years of your life. You need to figure out which one YOU like best.</p>
<p>All valid critiques. Thank you. I was just wondering which one I’d have the best chance at, haha. I’ve visited each one and would be fine with any of them, honestly. Perhaps a “chance me” thread may be more appropriate. :)</p>
<p>^yes a chance thread would be better, although to be honest, you have a great chance at any of these universities.</p>
<p>If I were in your position, I would choose Stanford.</p>
<p>I agree. You have a great shot at any school. When it comes to choosing, you really need to visit the campuses if you can and get a feel for the school and see where you fit best.
Best of luck!</p>
<p>Chance me back? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1304596-chance-me-ill-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1304596-chance-me-ill-chance-back.html</a></p>