<p>I'm a little confused on the ED Stats from NYU.
Can someone clarify some information for me?
A simple question.
About how many students apply to NYU ED? And of those how many students get accepted?</p>
<p>On NYU's website it says about 3,000 students applied ED and 26% of the freshman class is ED. When I do my math. If 36,000 students applied and of those students about 9000 get accepted and 26% of 9000 is about 2300 students. On the website it says total number of newly admitted freshman 4,000 something. That means half the student body is ED?</p>
<p>No, it doesn’t say there are 4,000 admitted. It says there are 4,000 ENROLLED. Just because 9,000 get accepted doesn’t mean they all go. </p>
<p>But yeah, I see what you’re getting at. Of the people who actually attend, about half are ED.</p>
<p>NYU seeks an incoming class of 4500 but that number varies depending on the yield that year.</p>
<p>This year about 1000 ED kids were accepted, little less I think, out of over 3000 applicants. ED acceptance rate was high this year but it varies depending on the quality of the ED applicants. They don’t have a limit of how many ED kids they can accept.</p>
<p>So, about 1/3 of NYU’s incoming class are ED</p>
<p>I think the website means 26% of the people that end up enrolling are ED, which makes sence since a class is about 4000 and they accept about 1000 ED.</p>
<p>I actually just called NYU admissions to get current data:</p>
<p>RD acceptance rate is about 24%.
ED acceptance rate is about 32+% depending on how many people apply.</p>
<p>hey NuclearPakistan1, do you happen to have the acceptance rate for Stern this year? I was just curious.
<p>j’adoreDior: I also asked about that, and let me just give you the rundown:</p>
<p>Tisch: ED- Above RD, RD- 15% ( Most selective school)
Stern: ED- above RD, RD-~18%
CAS: ED- 32+%, RD-22-24%
Gallatin, Steinhardt, and Silver: ED- a little above CAS’s rate, RD- a little above CAS as well.</p>