Early Writes?

<p>Hey. I got an early write of acceptance from Amherst on friday and I was very happy to say the least. Only thing is that I think I like Swarthmore more than Amherst because of their science program. I was wondering if anyone knows if Swarthmore has early writes of acceptance like Amherst or Williams. Also, if they don't have them, is the early write of acceptance from Amherst a strong indicator for Swarthmore? Thanks a ton in advance and Good Luck to everyone!!!!!</p>

<p>Swarthmore does, I think, send out some early writes, but not usually as early as Williams and Amherst. I’ve not heard of any early writes at Swarthmore yet.</p>

<p>A strong enough applicant to get an early write at Amherst would probably be considered a strong applicant at Swarthmore, although there is probably some variation in what they are looking for. For example, football doesn’t count for much at Swarthmore.</p>

<p>I got an early write for Williams, but I am really hoping I getting a Swat acceptance also (early write or no early write). Then I will have a tough call to make. interesteddad, do Williams/Amherst intentionally send out early writes before Swat to take away some competition?</p>

<p>The Early Write from Amherst probably bodes well for acceptance to Swarthmore, but don’t hold your breath. Colleges send their EW’s for different reasons.</p>

<p>4 years ago, D received an EW from Williams along with likely letters to other top colleges–eventually getting accepted to every single school she had applied to. Swarthmore had always been her first choice, and she waited anxiously to hear something from them. She was crushed when a good friend recieved an EW to Swarthmore–and I honestly was a little upset at Swarthmore, since D was a (conventionally) stronger applicant. We tried not to hold it against Swarthmore, however! Friend went elsewhere, D matriculated at Swat and is graduating this year with a 4.0 …so, don’t worry, it’s not everything!
I’ll cross my fingers for you ;)</p>

<p>My D, a freshman, received an “early write” last year. It came approximately one month before the regular date. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone and do not despair if your letters do not arrive early. I know that the next few weeks will feel like an eternity, but when your letters come you will be on the driver’s seat in making your decisions. </p>

<p>By the way, my D loves Swarthmore and is doing very well. All the tales of excessive work and no play, were just that, tales. She works very hard, but also has fun and time to go into Philly, NY and do her extracurriculars.</p>

<p>I got mine on the 14th of this month.</p>