easier admissions for international students

<p>I'm in top 5% (probably on the 5th %) but in my school there's 550 students in my year; that's like about 15-25/550
Is my fraction rank really bad?
lol. is 20 as good as 1?
Is rank really really really important??? ok your getting me really worried..</p>

<p>Rank is not that important, dont blow it overboard.
I am at a school that has students going to the US every single year and we dont ahve anythig like a class rank- here at the United World College of the Adriatic we dont do that.Academics is good but its the whole package that counts not just marks that is really really true!(accoring to a guy from Harvard than came to our school</p>

<p>It is harder to get into a top school if you are an international student - the admission percentage rates are FAR lower, in many cases really, really far lower. And they prefer those who can pay full freight.</p>

I'm an international student from France and I'm going to be applying to some American schools. I'm filling in the apps and all that stuff and I'm slightly confused. Things are sooooo different!!! Anyway I wanted to know if i actually had a chance (applying to Harvard Princeton Yale Stanford Georgetown). I know they are topnotch schools and Ill probably not get in, so if it doesnt work out ill be staying in France. Here is some stuff about me.
SATI: Math 720 Verbal 800 (good enough or take it again?)
SAT II: not taken yet, but I've bought a prep book and hope to get 750+
My school record is pretty good. If i convert my (french) grades into american GPA, the unweighted gpa is about 3.9-4. I have no idea what the weighted gpa is. I'm one year ahead. Don't know if that counts. I've taken as many courses as I could. I'm fluent in French (and English of course) and I'm okay in German and Spanish. As for awards and all that stuff, we don't really have those sort of things in France. Sure I took part in a few Math or History contests and did ok. But thats about it. Its not that i wouldnt have been able to get awards, just that there was no opportunity.
By the way, I'm applying for Political science.
No work experience coz labour laws forbid under 16s to work (and I just turned 16 in august)
Now for EC's. My main activity is music. Ive been at the music conservatory for 6 years and I ve been playing the saxophone for 10. I play in an orchestra, Ive done jazz chamber music... And I performed in a series of concerts with professional musicians last year. (>2000 people at some concerts). Im a judo brown belt and im getting my black belt. (also 10 years)
Ive done a whole lot of minor stuff such as skiing tennis deep sea diving badminton soccer etc.
Ive also taken part in school gvt. Ive been class president the last three years.
I havent got much experience in community service, there isn't any opportunity for it here!!! My mother,some other people and me founded an Indian association (she's Indian thats how i speak english ) for fund raising and promoting indian culture in France. And I helped out a bit in a school when i travelled to India. But that's IT!
My application probably looks ok when compared to other foreign students, but it may seem a bit shallow from an american point of view...</p>

<p>what dya think???</p>

<p>Salut! bonjour axfr! c'est toujours bon de voir des autres francophones qui veulent aller aux <em>Etats-Unis</em> :) A mon avis, tu as bien l'oportunit</p>

<p>Axfr, j'ai des amis qui ont stats trop mouvais, et ils sont aux etats unis maintenant. Je t'assure que tu vas etre accepte en Georgetown, et tes oportunite d'aller en Yale, Harvard et Stanford sont tres bonne!</p>

<p>lol this is my french i've learnt for 3 years:
j'mappelle Jane
Qu'est-ce que tu portes au college en hiver?
J'habite a Bucklands Beach a Auckland en Nouvelle Zeland
J'adore football/soccer - is it adore?
Je prefere cushions - I like pigs?
Je ne pas Emma Worsely - I don't like Emma Worsely
Je suis grande
Quelle est dat de ton anniversaire? (i dont know how to spell it)
A quelle heure commencent les cours le mardi?</p>

<p>How about that?
How long have you guys learnt french? You guys seem like proffessional french people..</p>

<p>axfr -- You're SATs are promising. It sounds like you've taken most of your opportunities. Essays and recommendations should be good to give you the 'edge'. I think you got a good chance but you never know with HYPS. I'm sure you'll get into Georgetown.</p>

<p>"How long have you guys learnt french?" Give or take 10 years for both of them, I just had 3 yrs in hs.</p>

<p>salut amis de la France! lol
thx a lot for your help. its pretty nerve racking applying from a foreign country. I get the impression im completely out of it! lol ANyway all i can do is try my best and hope! Good luck to all of u ;)
so basically the essays and the interview is what makes the difference if uve got decent sats and grades?
ive got a lot of ECs, but hardly any awards (especially academic awards) because they're not common around here...</p>

<p>by the way wiki, im french and i was born in france and i live in france ;)
all of u speak great french. the way languages are taught in france sucks... ive been doing german for 7 years and can hardly speak a word :(</p>

<p>Le francais c'est une langue facile. L'allemande c'est le plus dificile des langues d'allors que tu parles rien apres sept ans. J'ai des amis francais et ils parlent tres bien l'espagnol, donc le classe de langues etrangers en France sont pas mouvais! :p</p>

<p>lol - les francos. sont toujours drole n'est pas!? :)
10 years, are u crazy...though i wish! I absolutely adore French. 4/5yrs. - not enough for me, but y'all are quite good. Well, it's always fun to post in foreign languages. and basically axfr, yeah, for boarderline cases, essays make/break. i don't know about interviews, i'm sure they count but they probably are taken with a grain of salt. don't worry about the whole u.s. system being foreign - all internationals are in the same boat as you. 1 piece of advice though: pick a definite safety school (one you know you'll get into) and apply there as a back-up.
Are you applying to any French Unis? I have a friend who desperately wants to study in Marseille, so any info would be great.
& good luck 2 u too!</p>

<p>c'est vrai que l'espagnol est beaucoup plus facile que l'allemand (j'en fais aussi ;))
you're right gianievve about a safety school. Except that my parents aren't ready to cough up big money if it isn't for the best... and by "the best" I don't mean the schools with solid programs, i mean the schools that have a name, worldwide (i.e. hyp&stanford)
marseille is a great place. but i don't know of any uni's overthere.
most reknowned uni's are in paris</p>

<p>it's definitely harder for an international student to get in. and as for class ranks, most canadian schools don't have it either. my school doesn't even have any AP courses.. but when I went to the ivy league meeting- the people that will look at your app will know- if you are taking the hardest courses available for you. Your school sends out a profile- I kind of think that goes against me- cause my school is a regular and arts program combined. lol. but oh well.</p>

<p>hm over here (sinagpore) we have an elitist system where all the top schools only accept top students. so u can be 500 out of 1000 in a top school and in fact still be in the top 5% of the population. and i dont know if the adcoms will know this.</p>

<p>why do they prefer international students who can pay full?</p>

<p>i thought many of the top colleges were need blind to internationals?</p>

<p>Because there is very little aid available for internationals.</p>

<p>Hmm...do colleges have some sort of quota for internationals? And if so, does paying full freight improve your chances dramatically, or not really?</p>

<p>I wish someone would table out the admissions rate vs. income of internationals...</p>

<p>hi im from australia....im not to sure on how the college system works. Over here after high school its just university or tafe (technical and further education), i really would like to study overseas preferably in the states in the field of "criminal justice". </p>

<p>My first problem i guess is that i dont know where to get some information from, ive recently finished year 12 and im currently doing my end of year exams, in fact i have my last one this thursday!! </p>

<p>If there is anyone that can help me a provide me with some information about applying, the certain scores that i need etc. it would be greatly appreciated...thanx</p>

<p>Hello JP, I might be going to ANU, (actually I am very sure I am going to) but here's a bit of info on American unis: SAT I Reasoning Test or ACT are almost always required for every american university, you need to log on to collegeboard.com to find out where and when you can register and take the test. SAT II is required from some unis, this is more specialised, as they are subject tests. Then, pick out the universities that you are interested in, you can check a lot of this out in collegeboard and also see the uni's official website where you can find details about applications.</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity, why the US rather than Australia? and also, where in Aus are you from?</p>