Easier? Anthropology 3/3AC versus Sociology 1/3/3AC/5

<p>Which courses are easiest out of the following</p>

<p>Anthropology 3, 3AC
Sociology 1, 3, 3AC, 5</p>

<p>Anthro 3 and Socio 3 are no longer offered I believe. They used to be offered but got phased out as they were converted to AC courses.</p>

<p>Okay, well
between Anthro 3AC, Sociology 1, Sociology 3AC, which one is easiest?</p>

<p>Given how biased the anthro department is against physical anthropologists and use of science in anthropology, I would not recommend Anthro 3AC regardless its easiness</p>

<p>eeh… i hated anthro 3ac… well it wasn’t hard, but it was just really annoying… mostly b.s., and yeah they hate anything to do with science or genes. and my teacher rambled about random things with a very biased viewpoint, so idk… it might depend on your prof.</p>

<p>sociology 1 with swidler was easy (for me since i actually paid attention to lecture and read) and interesting. got my first A :]</p>

<p>how about Poli Sci 2 versus Poli Sci 4?</p>

<p>Sociology 3ac with Kelsey is super easy. Tons of extra credit offered, best 2/3 midterms (easy too, multiple choice), and don’t need to take a final. Only 2 papers but graded pretty easily too. Plus Kelsey is really nice. :)</p>

<p>is anthro 3ac easy? ive heard it is</p>

<p>LOTS of reading.</p>

<p>As mentioned above, the anthropology department has been taken over by anti-biology, anti-science post-processualists</p>

<p>They sound like arse holes.</p>