<p>I am a freshman Political Science major looking to take easy classes in the spring semester. This semester, I overloaded myself with three engineering focus classes, math 103, french 76, piano lessons, and violin lessons. This came out to 5.5 credits, and I have more work than I can handle.</p>
<p>Next semester, I need to rescue my GPA by taking "easy A" classes.</p>
<p>Can you please give me some advice? What are the easiest (non-physical education) classes at Duke? Thanks!</p>
<p>psych 11 with whitfield. he tells you everything that will be on the exam and the exam itself is made up of MC questions like “which of the following was NOT a psychologist researching [insert topic here]
a) [a name of a psychologist]
b) [a name of another psychologist]
c) [a name of yet another psychologist]
d) batman”</p>
<p>i got an A+. only A+ i’ve gotten at duke so far.</p>
<p>i’ve also heard eos 11 and culanth 94 are easy.</p>
<p>EDIT: you’re a poli sci major doing engineering focus and math103??? O_O</p>
<li><p>Unfortunately, Whitfield isn’t teaching Psych 11 in the Spring (bummer…I wanted to take it too haha). So, we’ll have to wait til next year, I suppose.</p></li>
<li><p>I second EOS 11. I’m not in it, but several friends say it’s really easy.</p></li>
<li><p>I AM in CulAnth 94, however. True, the grading isn’t that tough, but there’s a solid amount of work, and you definitely have to be engaged to be able to do the analysis on the tests and papers.</p></li>
<li><p>Apparently, low-level Stats courses are easy As too, but you have to take a Duke placement test for anything in Statistics. The next one isn’t until the day before registration lol.</p></li>
<p>P.S. Take Econ 51…I hear it’s the easiest A you’ll ever get
However, Econ51 over the summer IS a fairly easy A…</p>
<p>EOS 11
Psych 11 with Whitfield
Culanth 94 </p>
<p>For classes that aren’t that “easy A” but relatively easy to get grades in with certain degree of work, look for some history courses and psych courses</p>