<p>Hey yall, Im a black male thats 18th percent and 1940 on SAT, which is probably not good enough to get into biology. I hear transferring is not that hard so I am willing to choose a major like Environmental Science or something and then transfer, My question is: What is the easiest major for one to get into UT Austin?
Some possibilities I already have looked up: African studies(i feel like that will be a waste, but it will only be for a semester,right?), Psychology, Environmental Science, Neuroscience, Public Health</p>
<p>So what is the easiest t get into? If you could do a ranking also, omg that would be splendid :) thanks yall</p>
<p>Also, what about education??</p>
<p>Education isn’t easy to transfer into, you need a lot of EC’s, volunteer, and LOR’s. Psychology is the most competitive in COLA, ES and Neuroscience both require calculus so if you have calc you should be good for those two. </p>
<p>COLA is the easiest, and CNS as long as you have the math credit, from what I’ve seen.</p>
<p>Yes, COLA is generally the easiest to get into. CNS isn’t so bad either. I advise against applying for Environmental Science if you’re looking for an easy acceptance. It is one of the smallest majors at UT and doesn’t follow the normal application process as the others. I remember hearing that only around 40-50 students are accepted (including both freshmen and transfers) per year. Public Health is also a relatively new, small major that I’ve heard is competitive. </p>
<p>btw, im a junior so am not transferring yet. My goal is to get accepeted into a major and then transfer out into biology or whatever i choose.</p>
<p>So what major in COLA is the easiest? or can i just apply to COLA?</p>
<p>im just a junior noob… excuse my lack of experience lol thanks</p>
<p>I applied to COLA undecided and I got accepted.
CNS used to not require residency hours but I guess now they do…</p>
<p><a href=“Internal Transfer | College of Natural Sciences”>http://cns.utexas.edu/students/future/internal-transfer</a></p>
<p>So you might be there a while trying to get your residency hours to transfer… :/</p>
<p>from what i know and have seen with my class psychology seems like one of the highest accepted . i know someone that is 22% and asian and got around a 2000 SAT score that got in this year</p>