Easiest school in purdue to get into?

Hi there!

I’ve heard that Purdue admits by major, so I was wondering which school was the easiest to get into? My guess would most likely be the college of liberal arts. My grades aren’t that well to qualify for engineering, so I was hoping to get admitted and transfer after a while.

Switching into the engineering division after enrolling in another division is not guaranteed.

The CODO (change of degree objectives) process is not easy at Purdue, and as noted, never guaranteed even if you have a high enough GPA. The most popular majors can end up being closed to transfers. If you know you want to do engineering, apply to a school where your stats will allow you to be accepted directly into engineering.


It depends on how you define “easiest”. The College of Agriculture has the highest admit rate, but the College of Education has the lowest average SAT/ACT/GPA with an admit rate only slightly lower.

As noted above, CODO to Engineering is difficult. Enrolling to be an elementary teacher and transferring to Engineering would be a very risky strategy, IMO.

How do you know which major has the highest admit rate and lowest stat acceptances? Seems like that info isn’t published and I’m curious?

The question was by school/college, as was my response. Not by major.

Data by school/college is published, along with a lot of additional data, in the Purdue Data Digest, in the Applications, Admits, and Matriculations section. Admission, enrollment, retention, graduation rates, etc, etc., is available by college throughout the DD using the filters on the right.

Link in 2nd paragraph at Dashboards and Data Sources - Business Intelligence Competency Center - Purdue University

Data by specific major is limited to those with specific access, in most but not all areas of DD. (A valid student login doesn’t access it either.)

CS has posted specific admissions statistics on its web site in the past. I haven’t been interested in other majors, so I don’t know if any others post major-specific data.