<p>I've heard you only need the prep book and a weekend to get a 5 on these AP exams:</p>
<p>Human Geography
Environmental Science</p>
<p>Any others?</p>
<p>I've heard you only need the prep book and a weekend to get a 5 on these AP exams:</p>
<p>Human Geography
Environmental Science</p>
<p>Any others?</p>
<p>Stats is NOT easy at my school. Many of my AP friends are getting B's in the class with a fair amount of work. (I'm in it now.) We get a lot of homework, tests, and quizzes as well.</p>
<p>AP USH is so the easiest AP in my school.</p>
<p>I think the OP was talking about the tests. Classes may vary, but the AP Statistics test is one of the easier AP Exams.</p>
<p>Environmental Science is pretty easy as well, whereas Psychology I've heard very mixed opinions on. I have no idea on the other ones.</p>
<p>I would say all of the above (except USH) and replace that with Spanish (particularly if you are a native speaker or have had outside experience). I hear that Comp Sci A is in the same basket.</p>
<p>spanish is diffcult to score a 4 or 5 on if ur not a native speaker, or havent spent studied in a spanish speaking country... you have to have the spanish ear to do well</p>
<p>How easy is it to study for AP Stats? My class has done very little throughout this year. Is it enough to just study over Spring Break and read an entire prep book and get a 5?</p>
<p>Updated list:</p>
<p>Human Geography
Environmental Science
<p>What about Economics?</p>
<p>Be warned: if you're looking at easy APs to stack up your number of AP exams for admissions reasons, colleges are very adept at spotting this.</p>
<p>Not saying you are, but just something to watch out for.</p>
<p>What about Music Theory (if you've had 10+ years of theory/piano experience, but not taking any theory classes at school)?</p>
<p>so its a bad idea to self study AP's?</p>
<p>i think most people who take the AP test independent of the class are doing it just to put it on their resume. </p>
<p>nobody is really interested in taking a test...</p>
<p>APUSH was ridiculously easy at my school, but the test, as far as I was concerned, was tremendously hard.</p>
<p>I guess I got the bad luck of having horrible FRQs...</p>
<p>APUSH is pretty challenging at my school... the content is not so hard, but the amount of work we get and tests we do in the class is pretty hard. My teacher almost never gives a perfect score (9) on the essays like DBQ, and he curves the multiple choice test to the highest score, which is usually scored by the wiz kid who scores 15% higher than the second highest one. So yeah... I'm not gonna say APUSH is easy at my school.</p>
<p>what's APUSH?</p>
<p>is it true that Psychology and Statistics are easy?</p>
<p>AP US History</p>
Be warned: if you're looking at easy APs to stack up your number of AP exams for admissions reasons, colleges are very adept at spotting this.
Oh no, I'm just trying to bypass introductory courses. I'm taking the APs that I can get credit for. The APs I want to take are:</p>
<p>Junior Year:
Economics (both)
Calculus BC
US History
European History
English Language
French Language
<p>Senior Year:
Physics C
Comp Sci AB
English Lit
French Lit
US Government</p>
<p>Basically, the true intent of the thread was to:
A. Compile a list for others
B. Wait for somebody to corrobate my (unsubstantiated) claim of Economics so that they could give me advice on self-study since my school doesn't teach it. I have no interest in wasting money on the Human Geo or Psych exams, especially since you can't even get credit for it at most schools.</p>
<p>There was an interesting Freudian slip, since I listed the Econ tests and then asked "What about Economics" in the same post. Ah well :P</p>
<p>you're crazy</p>
<p>Stats is redonculously easy. Just get the Princeton Review and ur on ur way to a 5.</p>
<p>AP human geo was an easy class, but the test was ridiculously hard. the test wasn't anything like history where a fact is a fact; it was completely up to your opinion and u had to have the right opinion to get the question right. one of the free responses last year was something that was never mentioned in our textbook and was mentioned in ONE sentence in the review book. i dont recommend taking the test</p>