<p>I'm majoring in pre-business/econ and am not very fond of the sciences. What would be an easy class that fulfills the biological sciences requirement for L&S?</p>
<p>If it’s offered this semester, try Plant and Microbial Biology (PMB) 13: Genetic Revolutions. Pretty much a guaranteed A, even if you have no science background.</p>
<p>Okay, thank you so much. What about a physical science? I heard physics for future presidents, but I couldn’t find it.</p>
<p>Definitely do Astro C10 with Filippenko for your Physical Science req; he’s the most amazing prof ever and he makes the class super fun and interesting!</p>
<p>PMB 13 and Astro C10 are both only offered in Spring 2013.</p>
<p>are there any offered in the fall that are easy?</p>
<p>MCB C62/LS C30 “Drugs and the Brain” with David Presti. [Ratings</a> for Molecular and Cell Biology C62 - Ninja Courses](<a href=“http://ninjacourses.com/ratings/view/course/5115/]Ratings”>http://ninjacourses.com/ratings/view/course/5115/)</p>
<p>Are there any other physical science recommendations?</p>