Easy Courses

Does anyone that goes to JHU know any easy classes to take. I’ve finished the majority of my core classes for my major and am looking to just increase my gpa before I apply to med school next year?

Intro-level social-science classes, basically.

[]Foundations of Brain, Behavior, and Cognition with Gorman - From what I remember, it’s a lot of info, but all the exams are open book / open note
]Intro to Sociology with Nelson - This class was so easy, it pained me to even go, lol (I also don’t find Sociology that interesting). When I took the class, he literally copy-pasted questions from the study guide onto the exams, lol.
[]Abnormal Psychology with Papadakis, and probably other Intro to ______ Psych courses
]I’ve heard that Introduction to the Human Brain is pretty easy
[li]I’ll put Intro to Bioethics even though it’s writing-intensive[/li][/ul]
I’d also look at http://web.jhu.edu/registrar/students/evaluations/; sometimes students comment that specific courses had a light workload.

Social psychology, Intro to psychology, health policy & management (from public health)

Intro to Bioethics, easy? Maybe for people who have been already exposed to many, complicated issues in bioethics and are very good at writing.

@Hopkins1 Mmm… I hadn’t had any exposure to any kinds of ethical issues before. But I did take a semester of Expository Writing, so maybe that helped?